18 Self-Perpetuating Thought-FormsThe Dark Created Human Self-Perpetuating Thought-Forms
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J. Chambers
UCPOL Consulting Services UNIVERSAL Creation Principles of Life Knowledge For An Evolving Humanity www.JChambersUSA.com | www.IndividualSELF.com |
A self-perpetuating thought form does not and will not change and repeats the
same experiences over and over again without end.
same experiences over and over again without end.
There are 18 created thought-forms.
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THE UNIVERSE Center of All Life brings these to our awareness so that a human may choose, as an ascending human, to release these though-forms and embrace a unity based thought-form. A unity-based thought-form is part of the Vibrational Language of THE Harmonic UNIVERSE. As a human chooses this thought-form, in so doing, a human's current foundation will crumble, making way to a new foundation that may be in place before the civilization falls apart. This is necessary, humans ascending ahead of time are the new leadership for the human race. For who is going to be there as civilization crumbles? Who is going to tell your brothers and sisters, This way! This is what we are to create now! And is founded upon equality, joy, unity and love!
The first thought-form is Slavery as explained:
There have been hundreds of lifetimes in human ancestry in which ancestors have been either the master or the slave. For every lifetime as master, there must be one as slave in counterbalance. However, there is no manner out of the life experience of master/slave, as there is no thought-form provided to allow for the transcendence. Therefore, the ancestry simply repeats the experience of master and then slave, master and then slave, master and then slave, forever, or until transcendence and ascension begins. Ascension breaks the cycle of each of these thought-forms for all ancestors incarnate over time. In so doing, ascending humans will work themselves out of the current paradigm of slavery into a new one of freedom and unity. Humans mastering unity consciousness in ascension are blueprinting a new thought-form to replace those that are self-perpetuating in nature. The foundation of this new thought-form is known as the 10 octaves of love within the Vibrational Language of THE UNIVERSE. The 10 octaves of love are founded upon 10 concepts known as forgiveness, truth, non-conditional love, compassion, freedom, and breath of life, divine union, unity, and non-conditional governance. As a human transcends each of these 18 self-perpetuating thought-forms in the act of ascension, a human embraces a new foundation based upon the 10 octaves of love. THE 18 DARK CREATED SELF-PERPETUATING THOUGHT-FORMS
The are two slave races in the current human civilization, one race holds the 18 self-perpetuating thought-forms that is more energetic and less genetic. This is why perhaps this race lives inherently more in a state of unity than those directly related to the first slave race. For this reason as a human brings his or her ancient tapestries forward that a bridge may be built between the 18 self perpetuating thought-forms to the 10 basic thought-forms of unity consciousness. For the second race has by and large retained the understanding of unity over time. The awakening of the human species thus far has an emphasis of these teachings that attract many initiates. A human is attracted to such teachings for his or her human purpose is to ascend into a way of being based upon this inheritance. All humans will have the second race lineages in his or her ancient tapestry. As this is brought forth this understanding along with the biology of a human's ancient ancestors, and the anchoring in the present day physical form, that a human ascends over time. There are many lessons for all concerned in the examination of human thought-form upon Earth by THE UNIVERSE. THE UNIVERSE too have thought-form distortions, although not so great as to create a self-perpetuation thought-form that causes evolution to cease. However, THE UNIVERSE is clearing distortions, just as Earth is clearing hers, as all must learn, grow and evolve together, regardless of species, and regardless of dimension. Earth may be likened to the bottom of a pendulum of which Earth's UNIVERSE Dimension is the stem. Earth experiences and expresses an extreme form of distortion that all of Earth's UNIVERSE also partakes of, but not to the extreme of Earth. Distortion increases the further down the dimensions or pendulum. THE UNIVERSE Center of All Life is providing this information in hope that more humans begin ascension out of such great and grave distortion. For celestial beings supporting Earth truth is to support our fellow brothers and sisters in human form in such a difficult task. THE UNIVERSE is anchoring more assistance in the form of angels and energy flow to help break up the density and stuck points of energy movement upon Earth’s surface. This alone should assist more of the human species seeded to ascend in awakening to his or her true purpose and potential. Slavery
The thought-form of slavery effects humans in a multitude of ways. THE UNIVERSE Center of All Life directs us to look at where in human life expression a human is currently enslaved by another. There is enslavement to the job, to the family and to the mortgage. There is enslavement to friends that are not friendships of love, but of duty and obligation. And there is enslavement to a human's current place of residence. All such enslavement is related to attachment between the etheric body and the person, place or object that a human is attached to. Such attachment is gradually released as a human raises in vibration and ascends, causing the cords to be severed, allowing a human to become free. As a human is freed, a human will create a place and life that brings his or her heart joy. And this is the result of pent-up change from a human's ancestry. For human ancestry has been enslaved by the same others and region for 30,000 years! This is why the sense of freedom that occurs when an ascending human releases the bonds that have enslaved them for so long is so great, so joyous, so magnificent! Humans are to allow the joy as the freedom occurs, and know that as a human, there is a freeing of all ancestries that have been enslaved by another over time. All humans related to the slave race are enslaved, for whether in his or her life experience is a direct reflection of such an experience or an indirect experience. The current human experience is far from free, and even those of great wealth are just as enslaved by his or her experiences as the human that works to support his or her dominion. In the experience of slavery, all are enslaved, all are imprisoned, and all that ascend shall be free in due course. If this alone is done by enough humans, this shall cause the breakdown of a civilization. As these thought-forms apply not only to individual relations, but group relations and all of civilization at large. Such is the nature of pent up change, to the degree the thought-form has been pent up, to that degree of extremity the rectification shall be. 17 others coming soon!