Belief: A mental acceptance of a proposition, statement or fact, as true, on the ground of apparent authority, which does not have to be based on fact. To agree to a proposition or affirmation, or the acceptance of a fact, opinion, or assertion as real or true, without immediate knowledge; reliance upon words; partial or full assurance without knowledge or certainty; persuasion; conviction; confidence; something believed, accepted as true.
Beliefs are the controller of behavior, but often a belief is not founded on experience; the very nature of the belief system precludes the necessity of experience. A belief may deny the evidence of experience. Belief is motivation by reliance on an assigned version of reality or an assigned version of what might be imagined. Ultimately, the effect introduced by the belief is not a matter of believing versus non-believing. The discord is between believing and learning from experience. The unexamined belief is not worth holding, and the examined belief may not be worth holding, either. Many beliefs, once examined, may prove to have no real value as indicators of UNIVERSAL TRUTH or guides to experience, although they may serve to define identity and confer a sense of belonging.
Whatever an human is willing to accept without an inner discernment, acknowledgement and knowing from a HigherSELF Heart and Mind without the support of evidence, results in an assumption, which is taken as a basis for action or non action.
Beliefs must become an expression of inner discernment of UNIVERSAL TRUTH. |
may Strength become you