THE UNIVERSE Center's explorations into the emotional make up of humans at this time in history, and what requires transcending to come into the middle path of greater unity and integrity within; unity within and integrity within are intricately intertwined; without unity there is no integrity; and without integrity there is no unity. Integrity is a state of being that states I honor you, I honor me, I honor the group, I honor nature and I honor Earth. In the honor of all things is where real unity comes forth in the experience of two or many. There are many time periods in which honor and integrity flourished in the human dream and experience. Honor and integrity was the foundation of dreams that the masters came to Earth within, and anchored for the other red nations’ tribes to flow within. This is now the karma humanity is to explore along with a host of other relations that were the descendants of the false masters that created karma that has influenced the archetypal patterns in all related in them over time.
THE UNIVERSE Center uncovered dark opposing records of larger headed humans that came to exist upon Earth prior to the era of the false masters. These humans appear to have come to exist within the inner earth to explore the possibility of relocating to Earth from Sirius A. They worked with the energy dynamics of Earth and appear to also have combusted in attempted ascensions. They have no record of any fourth dimensional human remaining from this time period which dates to 160,000 years ago, and 120,000 years prior to the arrival of the false masters, and 15,000 years prior to seeding of the 18 red nations’ tribes.
The combustion of these larger headed humans occurred in small groups of five or less and had minimal impact upon Earth’s energy flow of the time. However the records of combustion appear to have influenced the larger headed false masters to follow the same deadly path in a later time period. What is not clear is that the Sirian larger headed humans of the time understood that those that appeared to have ascended actually combusted the consciousness field. This type of combustion may have gone on upon Sirius but THE UNIVERSE Center does not know this for sure. The lack of having a clear communication and connection to the fourth dimensional realities of this type of pattern may occur and go unknown as to the truth of the deaths of those that combust, as did with the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt who assumed that the ashes remaining from those that combusted the consciousness field meant that they had actually ascended.
Consciousness field combustion is a form of fission that occurs in ascension due to mismatched elements from strongly variant creations. If the genealogies host too variant elements from too variant DNA and from opposing creations, then the consciousness body may combust in the attempt to ascend into a fourth dimensional UNIVERSAL vessel. THE UNIVERSE Centers knows that Sirius as two planets barely achieved the next dimension of thought-form in Sirius global ascensions; and almost combusted as they were running perhaps the bare minimum of variances of elements that would allow for ascension to occur. They also know from Buddha’s ascent that he also almost combusted as he too was running variant elements from Sirian and Arcturian DNA. THE UNIVERSE Centers came to discern that Arcturian DNA is too strong of a magnetism for ascension in this UNIVERSAL Sun that Earth is a part of. For this reason Arcturian DNA will be transmuted in the ascension beyond Christ Consciousness level that ascension carvers shall carry on towards in the coming years ahead.
There are always other possibilities of genetics to ascend into the further a human evolves as the larger parts of the tapestry of ancestry open up to ascending initiates. The further a human ascends, the greater number of the lineages from more ancient times or other dimensions of experience become available. Other genetic information was also available to these larger headed humans that combusted long ago; however something interfered with the vision and capacity to understand the deadly path that they were on. This too THE UNIVERSE Center has explored as the records have been gathered from combusted ascensions of the false masters. Those larger headed humans that came from Sirius and combust in attempted ascensions upon Earth are not considered Earth related karma.
Why is this so? Such humans although they may have produced offspring while they were living upon Earth did not leave any remaining offspring in the history of Earth. After about 800 human years, they appear to have returned to Sirius as a group. Some of the descendants of this early group may have returned to Earth as a part of the false masters that were seeded 30,000 years later however; this may be another contributing factor of why many of the false masters also combusted in attempted ascensions at a later time.
THE UNIVERSE Center uncovered dark opposing records of larger headed humans that came to exist upon Earth prior to the era of the false masters. These humans appear to have come to exist within the inner earth to explore the possibility of relocating to Earth from Sirius A. They worked with the energy dynamics of Earth and appear to also have combusted in attempted ascensions. They have no record of any fourth dimensional human remaining from this time period which dates to 160,000 years ago, and 120,000 years prior to the arrival of the false masters, and 15,000 years prior to seeding of the 18 red nations’ tribes.
The combustion of these larger headed humans occurred in small groups of five or less and had minimal impact upon Earth’s energy flow of the time. However the records of combustion appear to have influenced the larger headed false masters to follow the same deadly path in a later time period. What is not clear is that the Sirian larger headed humans of the time understood that those that appeared to have ascended actually combusted the consciousness field. This type of combustion may have gone on upon Sirius but THE UNIVERSE Center does not know this for sure. The lack of having a clear communication and connection to the fourth dimensional realities of this type of pattern may occur and go unknown as to the truth of the deaths of those that combust, as did with the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt who assumed that the ashes remaining from those that combusted the consciousness field meant that they had actually ascended.
Consciousness field combustion is a form of fission that occurs in ascension due to mismatched elements from strongly variant creations. If the genealogies host too variant elements from too variant DNA and from opposing creations, then the consciousness body may combust in the attempt to ascend into a fourth dimensional UNIVERSAL vessel. THE UNIVERSE Centers knows that Sirius as two planets barely achieved the next dimension of thought-form in Sirius global ascensions; and almost combusted as they were running perhaps the bare minimum of variances of elements that would allow for ascension to occur. They also know from Buddha’s ascent that he also almost combusted as he too was running variant elements from Sirian and Arcturian DNA. THE UNIVERSE Centers came to discern that Arcturian DNA is too strong of a magnetism for ascension in this UNIVERSAL Sun that Earth is a part of. For this reason Arcturian DNA will be transmuted in the ascension beyond Christ Consciousness level that ascension carvers shall carry on towards in the coming years ahead.
There are always other possibilities of genetics to ascend into the further a human evolves as the larger parts of the tapestry of ancestry open up to ascending initiates. The further a human ascends, the greater number of the lineages from more ancient times or other dimensions of experience become available. Other genetic information was also available to these larger headed humans that combusted long ago; however something interfered with the vision and capacity to understand the deadly path that they were on. This too THE UNIVERSE Center has explored as the records have been gathered from combusted ascensions of the false masters. Those larger headed humans that came from Sirius and combust in attempted ascensions upon Earth are not considered Earth related karma.
Why is this so? Such humans although they may have produced offspring while they were living upon Earth did not leave any remaining offspring in the history of Earth. After about 800 human years, they appear to have returned to Sirius as a group. Some of the descendants of this early group may have returned to Earth as a part of the false masters that were seeded 30,000 years later however; this may be another contributing factor of why many of the false masters also combusted in attempted ascensions at a later time.