What are the problems that the original false masters created and caused Earth and Humanity?
What was the cause of the false masters incomplete ascension?
What is a fission thought-form [Humanity's current thought-form ascending humans are working to transmute and replace with a Unity thought-form]?
- To date there are records of the false masters attempting to complete ascension to the next dimension in this time period also had to construct a fourth dimensional plane or reality to reside upon, as there was nothing remaining of Earth in the 4th dimension of thought-form. Therefore, a small group of six false masters took elements from the outer earth to construct a 4th dimensional inner earth to reside upon as they attempted to ascend. This tells us how capable the false masters were in terms of understanding consensus realities, as they knew enough about each kingdom to create an entire fourth dimensional consensus in the physical that ascended with them.
- The false fourth dimensional consensus includes to this day valleys and lakes, waterfalls and trees, nature kingdoms of all kinds, and many minerals that sustain fourth dimensional frequencies. Alas those ascending in this time period also stripped third dimensional outer earth to do so. This led to a sinking of vibration of earth while the 4th dimension rose in vibration, tearing at Earth's energy flow.
- These records began to surface some time ago and Earth has been reconfiguring the outer elements so that ascension of Earth may now come forth.
- The ascensions of these false masters were about 87% complete. 12% of the false masters consciousness was left behind and became a part of the forces of the false creator of the 4th dimensional false earth.
What was the cause of the false masters incomplete ascension?
- THE UNIVERSE tells us the need to ascend the Earth Mother along with the false masters to the fourth dimension caused the false ascensions to be incomplete. If something other than an individual's own consciousness field must be ascended, then a part of the individual identity is also left behind. Therefore, this requirement to create a fourth dimensional plane to reside upon caused the original false masters ascensions to be incomplete. Had the false masters with a working relationship and communication with Earth, and the natural world would have ascended this part of herSELF, and then the incomplete ascensions would have been avoided. This is now understood after the review of these early ascension records.
- A false master/creator [god as defined by humanity] is only a portion of the consciousness remaining behind from an incomplete ascension; as a result the false god does not recall all of the information known that created the original ascension; and therefore is subject to a vast lack of knowledge. A vast lack of knowledge leads to extreme arrogance in the examination of THE UNIVERSE Center of All Life; there is a point at which any consciousness becomes extremely arrogant and believes that they know all. Human scientists today and humans in general and the nonphysical celestial beings that may control them think that they know all; in reality we as humans are limited in our knowledge of consciousness, Ascension and THE UNIVERSE Center of All Life.
- False masters/creators fall into the same problematic patterning as they know so little but believe they know all and then go on to mislead others who are willing to allow them to lead the way due to his or her own lack of information. The false 4th dimension earth also has false creators and they host different names from those that humanity know upon the 3rd dimensional Earth. The false 4th dimensional earth false creators went on to guide yet others in vastly complicated manners that led to combustion rather than real ascension to the Harmonic fourth dimension that exists within THE UNIVERSE.
- The misled leaders left the enclave of humans near the aurora because they felt that they knew better than those in leadership roles; and many others followed them. Again, the new leaders were guided by false creators who caused them to ascend too many variant geometrical patterns and forms of the fire element. The variant patterns caused a drag upon the ascension. The force to all other kingdoms on the surface of the Earth caught on fire for a 1000 miles or more on the land above each cavern. The combustions also created vast wobbles in Earth's overall energy flow. The wobble following the false ascension led to a collapse of Earth's entire consciousness field. Holes in the aurora were ripped open to other dimensions and creations of life. Time was warbled and fission related to nuclear annihilation was anchored as the global thought-form. Visions were shattered and never did come together as they did prior to the combustions. All told and so far the records of nineteen groups that combust in this manner have been uncovered with a total of 800 plus false masters humans dying in such an experience. The combustions created large portions of human consciousness that fractured with each group leading to the birth of even more false creators than prior to such experiences. The false creators then went on to mislead 400+ humans and on and on.
What is a fission thought-form [Humanity's current thought-form ascending humans are working to transmute and replace with a Unity thought-form]?
- Fission thought-form is about atoms and molecules splintering apart rather than remaining united and whole. Prior to the combustions, Earth experienced a form of wholeness to her energy flow and field rotation that retained her vibration without moving upward or sinking in vibration. Earth sustained her health and well being in a state of wholeness. As fission became the global thought-form, Earth was pressed into the extreme polarity of either breaking apart to a point of falling to another smaller threshold of vibration and field rotation; or attempting to rise back into what she new at an earlier time period through ascension. Nature has desired to return to the wholeness that was known prior to the inflation of fission thought-form; and has attempted to launch ascension to return to this state in eighteen time periods since the seeding of the false masters. Therefore, any period of ascension was then followed by extreme fracturing of field in the next cycle and anything gained was lost in the time to follow due to fission thought-form. Nature was never capable of retrieving the thought-form of wholeness lost following the combustions of the nineteen groups of humans 42,000 to 46,000 years ago. Ascension has generally been pressed into disease upon the surface of the Earth ever since. Within the false 4th dimensional earth, ascension has gone into greater and greater distortion, and in particular following the nuclear annihilation of the Annanuki.
- As humanity becomes aware of the original cause of polarity thought-form and begins to forgive the combustions of human false master ancestors, we are able to remove the thought-form at cause of fission; therefore, an extreme cycle of fracturing need not follow the cycle of ascension currently underway. Earth is working on this, but requires more ascending humans to intend to forgive and reconcile fission thought-form as well for the associated karma to be completely and absolutely forgiven in the years ahead. As karma is absolutely forgiven, only then is the karma erased from all bandwidths of thought-form in dimensions that Earth once resided upon, to not repeat. Karma tends to repeat like a broken record, and only as the experience is absolutely forgiven a new day may be born.
For each human being that is willing to walk this path
Forgiving each ancestor who without awareness
Caused the demise of Earth and humanity alike
A new day ahead may be born
In which a restoration of full consciousness becomes possible
Not only for the human species
But for each kingdom upon Earth
And also a return journey then becomes possible
Into the New Dream and home to THE UNIVERSE Center of All Life
Forgiving each ancestor who without awareness
Caused the demise of Earth and humanity alike
A new day ahead may be born
In which a restoration of full consciousness becomes possible
Not only for the human species
But for each kingdom upon Earth
And also a return journey then becomes possible
Into the New Dream and home to THE UNIVERSE Center of All Life