The family of Anunnaki arrived upon Earth around the time that combustions ceased amongst the inner earth peoples. The family of Anunnaki were attracted to the inflated Pleiadian thought-form that they resonated with upon a biological level. They added Anunnaki celestial forms and the forms of Anunnaki slaves to the wheel of life of Earth.
This led to greater Pleiadian thought-form that would then become the dominant thought-form in certain cycles throughout history. As the Anunnaki forms cycles around, Pleiadian thought-form or fission thought-form becomes dominant leading again to a time period of warfare and disease. The family of Anunnaki fell into an Anunnaki version of fission thought-form over time. The longer that Merduk and Innana extended his/her lives, the more greatly the extreme polarity of fission befell Anunnaki dreams.
Fission thought-form drives dreams into black holes due to how the threads of the dreams actually implode upon themselves. Fission thought-form causes atoms and molecules to splinter. Dreams and visions are constructed of etheric atoms and molecules just as there are atoms and molecules that hold the threads in the etheric body and field. Fission thought-form will cause the molecules to implode and the threads of the dream to invert and invert until they become a black hole. Black hole dreams cause warfare and torture, murder and abuse. The more greatly inverted the dream, the more difficult the circumstance for the one or many sitting within such a dream.
Innana and Merduk sat in such a dream and went to war upon one another. The dreams were pressed upon the slaves who in entering the black hole dream, rallied up to become soldiers and were given weapons and then went off to destroy one another. Innana and Merduk also sat in his/her own fission dream, that turned inward upon each body. for both Innana and Merduk this led to greater insanity and caused the war between them to carry on for 1000 years. In the end Merduk was so insane that he blew up Earth in a nuclear holocaust and blew himself up as he crashed landed his craft into Mars. Innana sped off in her craft to the Pleiades where her health failed so greatly and rapidly that she chose euthanasia in the end. Each died of inflated fission thought-form that caused imploding atoms, molecules and cells leading to insanity, disease and then death.
This led to greater Pleiadian thought-form that would then become the dominant thought-form in certain cycles throughout history. As the Anunnaki forms cycles around, Pleiadian thought-form or fission thought-form becomes dominant leading again to a time period of warfare and disease. The family of Anunnaki fell into an Anunnaki version of fission thought-form over time. The longer that Merduk and Innana extended his/her lives, the more greatly the extreme polarity of fission befell Anunnaki dreams.
Fission thought-form drives dreams into black holes due to how the threads of the dreams actually implode upon themselves. Fission thought-form causes atoms and molecules to splinter. Dreams and visions are constructed of etheric atoms and molecules just as there are atoms and molecules that hold the threads in the etheric body and field. Fission thought-form will cause the molecules to implode and the threads of the dream to invert and invert until they become a black hole. Black hole dreams cause warfare and torture, murder and abuse. The more greatly inverted the dream, the more difficult the circumstance for the one or many sitting within such a dream.
Innana and Merduk sat in such a dream and went to war upon one another. The dreams were pressed upon the slaves who in entering the black hole dream, rallied up to become soldiers and were given weapons and then went off to destroy one another. Innana and Merduk also sat in his/her own fission dream, that turned inward upon each body. for both Innana and Merduk this led to greater insanity and caused the war between them to carry on for 1000 years. In the end Merduk was so insane that he blew up Earth in a nuclear holocaust and blew himself up as he crashed landed his craft into Mars. Innana sped off in her craft to the Pleiades where her health failed so greatly and rapidly that she chose euthanasia in the end. Each died of inflated fission thought-form that caused imploding atoms, molecules and cells leading to insanity, disease and then death.