Choosing Ascension | WHAT MUST BE KNOWN
- The false masters came to Earth with specific thought and creation focus guided by the dark celestial elite of Sirius as well as a force of creators that ensouled his or her consciousness field and form that also came from Sirius.
- The false masters were guided to first shape shift into every perceived kingdom in the region that they had located upon Earth. The shape shifting occurred to gather records of each kingdom so that they could force guide Earth in her future.
- Humans were very arrogant from Sirius; for they guided everything that had occurred upon Sirius A and B and even to the point of directing global energy movement with the dark Sirius thought-form. Humans perceived there masterhood as not only god goddess in form but god goddess over the consensus; for Sirian consciousness, this was accepted and in agreement.
- Earth had been in existence for millions of years upon this dimension without the aid of human support, and so this type of agreement was not accepted to have humans determine her energy flow. The false masters were therefore outside of UNIVERSAL Law to determine Earth’s energy flow, or in other terms were lawless.
- The false masters loved Earth and loved the freedom that they felt here that they could not experience under the watchful eye of the Sirian dark celestial elite. As a result and in the first few hundred years upon Earth, the false masters expanded into a state of joy. The joy concluded shortly after a visit from a counsel of dark celestial elite from Sirius. During this visit, all false creators behind the false masters were removed and replace by other forces that had another agenda. This the false masters did not understand. Many were offered an opportunity to return to Sirius, and six chose to return with the dark celestial elite. All six perished before they returned home dying of extreme shattering of field through the unconscious of the dark celestial elite. Those that remained suffered parallel fates due to 400+ shattering energetic blows through the unconscious of Earth and the dolphins and whales shortly thereafter. The few false masters that remained interbred with red nations’ humans to shore up populations of larger headed humans. Those upon the surface of the Earth befell other travesties such as the era of the Pharaohs. The few original false masters remaining from the Sirian seeding all ascended together to the fourth dimension where a population of larger headed humans remains to this day. They fulfilled upon the Sirius directed experiences however not without creating vast problems for Earth; each of which is to be corrected now at this time of real ascension home to the THE UNIVERSE Center of All Life.
Through the examination of each archetypal nature in ascension, Earth and THE UNIVERSE Center of All Life have chosen restraints that best support the ascent of the whole. Those of Anunniki descent tend to rise into extreme power and are limited at this time as a result. If for not for this restraint, the Anunniki descendent would retain power in the coming cycle and the possibility of a mass awakening of the human species would be lost. Those of Red Nation archetypes tend to ascend into greater attachment beyond a threshold of the number of DNA in present time - this is also so for those of guru/Pharaoh Archetypes. Therefore, those of this nature are restrained at this level.
Why is this so? The red nation consciousness fields were seeded on the part of Sirian scientists and were duplicates of fields from the Sirian reality planes and not original blueprints. Duplicates tend to be bare and due to the gaps in the holographic knowledge that humans ascending of this nature tend to unite with one another in the unconscious rather than ascend more greatly towards non-attachment. The increasing attachment would lead to disease amongst those of red nation nature otherwise if not held at a vibration that best served his or her ascent.
In the attempted ascensions as directed by Earth, only humans with direct false master consciousness field nature and lineage appear to be capable of ascension into greater non-attachment. The non-attachment is what retains the health of the physical vessel the higher the vibration of the genetics evolves. The higher the vibration, the more quickly the field and molecules spin, and the more greatly small levels of dissonance become exaggerated within the field and form. if humans who retained great attachment ascended up into higher vibrations, the dissonance of the attachment would cause disease in one or more parts of the body leading to death rather than further ascension. Therefore, allowing ascension to lead to death rather than fulfillment of dreams does not serve. Ascension has led to death in many time periods in lieu of a restoration of another level of thought-form that was held at an earlier time in history. Ascending into death only translates into inflation of death based thought-form yet again, which leads to another cycle of greater destruction than the preceding cycle. For this reason Earth places restrictions upon ascension, as this does not serve to allow ascension to lead to another time of destruction ahead.
Humans of false master nature may begin to understand why many others around you may not ascend as far as you, and why perhaps they do not understand the information presented quite the way you may. Those of false master descent will feel the UNIVERSAL TRUTH of the information presented in his or her cells. The cellular recognition is one of simply oh, I know that. This information is designed to awaken your own cellular and consciousness holographic knowing. The purpose of this spiritual intelligence knowing is to ascend into another thought-form that is more greatly unity based, through which unity based thought-form may become the main global thought-form available for Earth's dreams and future ahead. As the main global thought-form is unity based, only unity based dreams will be woven for humankind and nature alike. As unity based dreams are woven and then caught and experienced, a new day of great awakening and world harmony ahead will be born. There is no other way to this goal other than the ascension carvers fulfilling upon his or her goal of ascending into harmonious DNA and in so being, restoring unity within and without.