Gold and Silver Tones of Creation
Learn to connect to the Earth and the healing aurora designed to support ascending humans.
At this time, Earth is moving towards embodying the gold and silver tones of The Harmonic Universe. Gold and silver are tone of the Vibration Language of THE UNIVERSE and are united and spun into a single silver and golden vibration. Silver and gold are also the tones of the photon energy and pervade the aura of The Harmonic Universe, and is prevalent in increasing amounts in each star gate that Earth enters. Earth must match the gold and silver tones in order to pass through a significant belt of energy known as the photon belt that surrounds the skin of The Harmonic Universe. The photon belt is a mirror and will reject anything that does not resonate with the thought-form of The Harmonic Universe. Many planets and stars have combust in attempting to enter without adequate preparation.
For a long time Earth could not perceive her pathway to entry into The Harmonic Universe. As more humans spiritually evolve a clearer pathway is perceived. This pathway involves matching the thought-form and vibration of The Harmonic Universe enough in all kingdoms upon Earth, gradually over the coming years, and to enough of a degree that Earth will not combust, but pass through to a new golden era ahead. Each species upon Earth must also match these tones of creation in order to assure the successful entry of Earth along with Individual humans and relations.
Humans have the capacity of understanding verbal thought-form. Earth has existed in a non-verbal state of being since exiting The Harmonic Universe as a 12th dimensional vessel some 24 million years ago. Non-verbal thought-form may be equated to music without words, or symphonies without thoughts. Earth had music that was beautiful when she was forced to exit The Harmonic Universe; alas the music over time went sour causing fall after fall until now at entry point Earth as a 3rd dimensional vessel, and only 1/8th of her original size and magnificence. A humbling experience needless to say.
Entry into The Harmonic Universe would not be possible without human participation in the ascension of Earth. For some humans have given voice and understanding to the evolution experience. Through human analysis and in perceiving the experience new boundaries could be constructed that allow for continued ascension of Earth and a pathway home into the Sun again. Ascending humans have therefore contributed greatly to this possibility, and are to be honored as such.
Cleansing times will invert destructive cycles back upon non-ascending human masses and hope for ascending children and adults to survive and live long enough to enter the photon belt and golden energy of The Harmonic Universe. Earth is choosing therefore to set boundaries between ascending and non-ascending humans that are stiff and firm rules for crossing them. This is the only means that Earth foresees that the gentle lineages buried in the humble humans global wide will live through the times of cleansing and bear witness to entry into The Harmonic Universe.
Earth offers a level of protection for those who intend to ascend, and hold lineage to fulfill upon the task. The boundaries Earth offers occur as a human continues to align with Earth in the choice to ascend, each day, week and month of a human being's ascension. Human's must hold his or her vibrations and be be aware that fall's into distortion after a karmic encounter or becoming ungrounded for any length of time. As this occurs, a human must first find connection to Earth again. Going into nature is a solution, for as a human communes with the fields, trees, lakes, a human will find the way back into connection with Earth. Through the connection to Earth a human has access to healing that exist in the aurora.
For a long time Earth could not perceive her pathway to entry into The Harmonic Universe. As more humans spiritually evolve a clearer pathway is perceived. This pathway involves matching the thought-form and vibration of The Harmonic Universe enough in all kingdoms upon Earth, gradually over the coming years, and to enough of a degree that Earth will not combust, but pass through to a new golden era ahead. Each species upon Earth must also match these tones of creation in order to assure the successful entry of Earth along with Individual humans and relations.
Humans have the capacity of understanding verbal thought-form. Earth has existed in a non-verbal state of being since exiting The Harmonic Universe as a 12th dimensional vessel some 24 million years ago. Non-verbal thought-form may be equated to music without words, or symphonies without thoughts. Earth had music that was beautiful when she was forced to exit The Harmonic Universe; alas the music over time went sour causing fall after fall until now at entry point Earth as a 3rd dimensional vessel, and only 1/8th of her original size and magnificence. A humbling experience needless to say.
Entry into The Harmonic Universe would not be possible without human participation in the ascension of Earth. For some humans have given voice and understanding to the evolution experience. Through human analysis and in perceiving the experience new boundaries could be constructed that allow for continued ascension of Earth and a pathway home into the Sun again. Ascending humans have therefore contributed greatly to this possibility, and are to be honored as such.
Cleansing times will invert destructive cycles back upon non-ascending human masses and hope for ascending children and adults to survive and live long enough to enter the photon belt and golden energy of The Harmonic Universe. Earth is choosing therefore to set boundaries between ascending and non-ascending humans that are stiff and firm rules for crossing them. This is the only means that Earth foresees that the gentle lineages buried in the humble humans global wide will live through the times of cleansing and bear witness to entry into The Harmonic Universe.
Earth offers a level of protection for those who intend to ascend, and hold lineage to fulfill upon the task. The boundaries Earth offers occur as a human continues to align with Earth in the choice to ascend, each day, week and month of a human being's ascension. Human's must hold his or her vibrations and be be aware that fall's into distortion after a karmic encounter or becoming ungrounded for any length of time. As this occurs, a human must first find connection to Earth again. Going into nature is a solution, for as a human communes with the fields, trees, lakes, a human will find the way back into connection with Earth. Through the connection to Earth a human has access to healing that exist in the aurora.
12 Month Individual Expanding Consciousness Service Program
UCPOL 12 Month Expanding Consciousness Service Program [ Customized for you, and your spiritual evolution journey]
Goes beyond mental linear thinking knowledge and into the realm of direct cognition and spiritual sensory experiences via the splitting of light and dark consciousness by the way of amalgamation into a single vibrational health state frequency to commune with the human overSOUL [HigherSELF Heart].
Ascension is the training and mastery of the human mind and consciousness.