For more than 9,000 years the fear that humanity has lived in is a result of a fracturing of the vibration of UNIVERSAL Love |
What is the cause of the great distortion upon Earth?
What does Earth's entry into a star-gate mean?
The development of a UNIVERSAL Language bridge was built for Earth to enter the star gates of THE UNIVERSE. Through the UNIVERSE Language bridge, Earth's records have been reviewed by THE UNIVERSE for the first time in over one million years. What we are experiencing now is UNIVERSAL Alignment:
All that has been manifested by humankind that is in error will undergo changes in order to align with THE DIVINE DEITY Natural and Moral Rule of THE UNIVERSE. Concurrent evolution for those that choose to Ascend within THE UNIVERSE will allow Earth to access darkness records and patterns from the past, present and future in need of transmutation.
Star-gates are openings that exists between dimensions in Earth's planetary Time Matrix that permit passage between space-time locations in multiple universes and Density Levels. Basic Stargate Mechanics
Cycles of history in which the transition of Humanity evolved through time periods marked by advanced civilization and high technological advancements achievements are called Worlds.
World Timeline
World One: 550/560 billion years ago; prior to the fall of HU-1 [Harmonic Universe]
World Two: 25/250 billion years ago
World Three: 5.5/25 billion years ago; 1st seeding 12 tribes
World Four: 3.7 million years ago; second seeding
Word Five: Year 2000/2017; Bridge Zone Stellar Activations
Events that occurred during World Five with the molecular and bio-energetic structure of Earth during the Stellar Activation Cycle are unprecedented in recorded human history. Earth has entered a Star Gate Opening Cycle for the first time since 208,216BC.
The idea of shifting a planetary body from one continuum to another may seem quite outrageous to a civilization that does not yet have a working comprehension of multidimensional physics. The Guardian Alliance assure us that such a procedure is most definitely real and valid in terms of the structural energetic dynamic of the Time Matrix. For the most part, planets and civilizations are allowed to evolve along the course of planetary development, following collective choices and meeting with the consequences of those choices. But occasionally a planet and civilization get into trouble that has far-reaching consequences for numerous planetary systems, and in these cases intervention in the course of evolution is permitted, Earth is presently in such state of potential crisis, unbeknownst to most of the population.
Through the multidimensional relationships between angles of particle and anti-particle spin (ARPS) multiple reality fields (Harmonic UNIVERSES) take place in the same space, while remaining invisible to each other. As a planet evolves through this process. the rate of particle pulsation, and thus the speed at which the planet moves, progressively increases, while the density of matter progressively decreases.
This is the process of evolution through the 15-dimensional scale.
All that has been manifested by humankind that is in error will undergo changes in order to align with THE DIVINE DEITY Natural and Moral Rule of THE UNIVERSE. Concurrent evolution for those that choose to Ascend within THE UNIVERSE will allow Earth to access darkness records and patterns from the past, present and future in need of transmutation.
Star-gates are openings that exists between dimensions in Earth's planetary Time Matrix that permit passage between space-time locations in multiple universes and Density Levels. Basic Stargate Mechanics
Cycles of history in which the transition of Humanity evolved through time periods marked by advanced civilization and high technological advancements achievements are called Worlds.
World Timeline
World One: 550/560 billion years ago; prior to the fall of HU-1 [Harmonic Universe]
World Two: 25/250 billion years ago
World Three: 5.5/25 billion years ago; 1st seeding 12 tribes
World Four: 3.7 million years ago; second seeding
Word Five: Year 2000/2017; Bridge Zone Stellar Activations
Events that occurred during World Five with the molecular and bio-energetic structure of Earth during the Stellar Activation Cycle are unprecedented in recorded human history. Earth has entered a Star Gate Opening Cycle for the first time since 208,216BC.
The idea of shifting a planetary body from one continuum to another may seem quite outrageous to a civilization that does not yet have a working comprehension of multidimensional physics. The Guardian Alliance assure us that such a procedure is most definitely real and valid in terms of the structural energetic dynamic of the Time Matrix. For the most part, planets and civilizations are allowed to evolve along the course of planetary development, following collective choices and meeting with the consequences of those choices. But occasionally a planet and civilization get into trouble that has far-reaching consequences for numerous planetary systems, and in these cases intervention in the course of evolution is permitted, Earth is presently in such state of potential crisis, unbeknownst to most of the population.
Through the multidimensional relationships between angles of particle and anti-particle spin (ARPS) multiple reality fields (Harmonic UNIVERSES) take place in the same space, while remaining invisible to each other. As a planet evolves through this process. the rate of particle pulsation, and thus the speed at which the planet moves, progressively increases, while the density of matter progressively decreases.
This is the process of evolution through the 15-dimensional scale.