Emotions may be expressed as a response to an experience or as the means of an action to do. A mind state which places focus on past or future experiences stop your IndividualSELF from expressing and enjoying the current moment because you are not observing the essence of the experience underway. When you place your complete focus on past experiences or what is to occur next you are not living life in the current moment with you overlooking moments to create the condition to bring an emotion of joy into your life.
From research, I found over two hundred emotions. This is not a complete list; I do not believe all emotions have been identified and/or are not correctly defined or identified.
From research, I found over two hundred emotions. This is not a complete list; I do not believe all emotions have been identified and/or are not correctly defined or identified.
Acknowledge Adoration Affection Agitation Alarm Allow Amusement Anger Annoyance Anticipation Anxiety Apprehension Arrogance Attraction Avoidance Awe Belonging Bitterness Boldness Boredom Bravery Calmness Compassion Competence Composure Concern Condemn Confidence |
Constructive Contentment Control Controlled Courage Covet Curiosity Delight Depression Desire Despair Detached Determination Dignity Discipline Disappointment Disgust Displeasure Dread Eager Earnest Embarrassment Engage Envy Enthused Excitement Faith Fatigued Fear |
Freedom Fright Frustration Gaiety Generosity Gloom Goodness Gratitude Greed Grief Grumpiness Guarded Guilt Happiness Harmony Hatred Helpful Helpless Honor Hope Humility Hurt Impatience Independence Indifferent Innocence Intent Interest Irritability |
Jealousy Joy Kindness Knowing Lack Logical Loneliness Longing Loss Lust Manipulate Melancholy Misery Modesty Nervous Non truth Numb Optimism Panic Patience Pleasure Pride Purpose Rage Regret Rejection Relief Resentment Resistance |
Satisfaction Scorn Security Self-importance SELFlessness Separation Shame Shock Shyness Sorrow Spite Strength Stress Suffering Surprise Suspicion Strength Tense Tolerance TRUTH Understanding Uncertainty Unity Weariness Willing Wonder Worry Yearning |