Your HigherSELF Heart directs your thoughts, and accomplishes tasks so intricate that no ego-conscious mind, has the capacity for.

THE UNIVERSE tells us there are ways to return to knowing this part of the whole of our UNIVERSAL identity.
Historically, we have bits and pieces of this process but never the whole framework and therefore, spiritual evolution did not work. The missing process is the understanding of the Ascension framework which is complex but not difficult, and as humans, we do not need to know all complexities of Ascension to achieve this goal. First, a human must have a desire to work with the whole of his or her UNIVERSAL identity; a spiritual concept, but this framework of understanding is also a biological concept because of the direct affect to human DNA.
The IndividualSELF Divine Blueprint Trinity
IndividualSELF Trinity fields are the carriers of consciousness and the engines of energy by which physically manifest forms are created, maintained and evolved through the UNIVERSAL Unified field of manifest space-time-matter reality.