Human History of Significant False Gurus
THE UNIVERSE Center provides information regarding the history of the False Spiritual Gurus that have influenced human experiences to this day. There are six significant gurus that influence human karma due to these Guru archetypes.
THE HISTORY: The false masters went into distortion following the visit of the false high priest and due to new false creators intent in something other than sustaining the health and well being of the false masters or allowing them to ascend. The false masters decided to ascend some of red nation smaller headed people in an attempt to understand the current predicament. They were guided to do so from within by the very false creators that were vying to destroy them; and so they were misled into doing something that perhaps they would have been far better off not attempting. The false masters ascended sixteen red nation humans, with eight each of God Goddess of the Sun and God Goddess of the Heart creation blueprints. The ascensions inflated the unconscious of the red nation initiates leading to a second shattering of the false masters and not from dolphin and whale consciousness. This time the ascending red nations’ people were used to shatter the remaining false masters, and the six that did not die went further into the inner earth choosing to remain near the aurora and escaped death in so doing.
The red nations’ blueprint configurations received a large portion of false masters blueprint in the shattering of the sixteen who died. Those related to these two archetypes of God Goddess of Ascension and God Goddess of Love then went into an experience of holding more dream and power than any others in the tribe due to hosting false master knowledge. Those of this nature rose to power but in great arrogance becoming gurus that reigned over large regions in the inner and surface of the Earth alike.
This is the pattern of the Guru who continues to rise to power to this day. The Guru tends to be arrogant as he or she has false master knowledge without really having false master archetype or blueprint as his or her birth inheritance. Knowledge is holographic and genetic; if the genes or the body does not understand the knowledge contained in the consciousness hologram, then arrogance is the result where a human thinks that he or she knows all. Such is the nature of the Gurus of ancient and present time alike. The Guru pattern is similar to the Pharaohs but different as the Pharaohs were the result of the blending of Pleiadian and false masters blueprint in the incubation of children from the sperm and eggs of two larger headed humans with Innana and Zeus. The mixing of genetic blueprints in this manner on the part of Merduk caused each associated consciousness hologram to fracture and intermix. As any human inherited the splintered hologram that was part Innana and God Goddess of Ancestral Knowledge or Zeus and God Goddess of the Human Species, they too would rise to power becoming the Pharaoh and behave much like the Anunnaki in his or her life extension predisposition.
Many spiritual leaders today host the Guru Archetype. Those of false master archetype may lose information to the Gurus that they follow just as his or her ancestors also lost information to the red nations’ initiates and the corresponding archetypes at the time that they attempted to ascend. The Gurus like the Pharaohs rise to power in a particular configuration confiscated from those of false masters archetype and then are perceived as all knowing by his or her followers. The Guru pattern confiscates dream that should be appropriated by the false master archetype for the existence of all humans worldwide. In the large accrual of dream, Gurus often become excessively wealthy in present time not unlike those of Pharaoh or Anunnuki archetypal nature. The Guru archetype however rarely desires to war; and so they are not involved in anything other than spiritual pursuits. Those of Pharaoh along with Anunnuki nature in present time will illicit wars as this is his or her nature as well as karmic history. The Guru archetype is also often subject to extreme arrogance rather than universal love and humility in the experience of life.
Why is this so? If a human acquires knowledge but does not understand the information that has been acquired, this leads to arrogance and the belief that he or she knows all. The reality is that a human knows what he or she knows; and a human will never know as much as SOURCE who is the creator of all. Therefore, no human knows all and there is something always to learn in the experience of life. The pattern of the Guru will cease as the harmonic reality planes are restored to each original casting at the time of the arrival of the false masters. This is rapidly coming and in time there will not be those rising to extreme power founded upon spiritual pursuits.
THE HISTORY: The false masters went into distortion following the visit of the false high priest and due to new false creators intent in something other than sustaining the health and well being of the false masters or allowing them to ascend. The false masters decided to ascend some of red nation smaller headed people in an attempt to understand the current predicament. They were guided to do so from within by the very false creators that were vying to destroy them; and so they were misled into doing something that perhaps they would have been far better off not attempting. The false masters ascended sixteen red nation humans, with eight each of God Goddess of the Sun and God Goddess of the Heart creation blueprints. The ascensions inflated the unconscious of the red nation initiates leading to a second shattering of the false masters and not from dolphin and whale consciousness. This time the ascending red nations’ people were used to shatter the remaining false masters, and the six that did not die went further into the inner earth choosing to remain near the aurora and escaped death in so doing.
The red nations’ blueprint configurations received a large portion of false masters blueprint in the shattering of the sixteen who died. Those related to these two archetypes of God Goddess of Ascension and God Goddess of Love then went into an experience of holding more dream and power than any others in the tribe due to hosting false master knowledge. Those of this nature rose to power but in great arrogance becoming gurus that reigned over large regions in the inner and surface of the Earth alike.
This is the pattern of the Guru who continues to rise to power to this day. The Guru tends to be arrogant as he or she has false master knowledge without really having false master archetype or blueprint as his or her birth inheritance. Knowledge is holographic and genetic; if the genes or the body does not understand the knowledge contained in the consciousness hologram, then arrogance is the result where a human thinks that he or she knows all. Such is the nature of the Gurus of ancient and present time alike. The Guru pattern is similar to the Pharaohs but different as the Pharaohs were the result of the blending of Pleiadian and false masters blueprint in the incubation of children from the sperm and eggs of two larger headed humans with Innana and Zeus. The mixing of genetic blueprints in this manner on the part of Merduk caused each associated consciousness hologram to fracture and intermix. As any human inherited the splintered hologram that was part Innana and God Goddess of Ancestral Knowledge or Zeus and God Goddess of the Human Species, they too would rise to power becoming the Pharaoh and behave much like the Anunnaki in his or her life extension predisposition.
Many spiritual leaders today host the Guru Archetype. Those of false master archetype may lose information to the Gurus that they follow just as his or her ancestors also lost information to the red nations’ initiates and the corresponding archetypes at the time that they attempted to ascend. The Gurus like the Pharaohs rise to power in a particular configuration confiscated from those of false masters archetype and then are perceived as all knowing by his or her followers. The Guru pattern confiscates dream that should be appropriated by the false master archetype for the existence of all humans worldwide. In the large accrual of dream, Gurus often become excessively wealthy in present time not unlike those of Pharaoh or Anunnuki archetypal nature. The Guru archetype however rarely desires to war; and so they are not involved in anything other than spiritual pursuits. Those of Pharaoh along with Anunnuki nature in present time will illicit wars as this is his or her nature as well as karmic history. The Guru archetype is also often subject to extreme arrogance rather than universal love and humility in the experience of life.
Why is this so? If a human acquires knowledge but does not understand the information that has been acquired, this leads to arrogance and the belief that he or she knows all. The reality is that a human knows what he or she knows; and a human will never know as much as SOURCE who is the creator of all. Therefore, no human knows all and there is something always to learn in the experience of life. The pattern of the Guru will cease as the harmonic reality planes are restored to each original casting at the time of the arrival of the false masters. This is rapidly coming and in time there will not be those rising to extreme power founded upon spiritual pursuits.
Archetype of God Goddess of Ascension and God Goddess of the Sun
There was a famous guru known as Mohammad that lived upon the grids related to the land now known as Australia. This region was far away from the Annunuki and did not fall into the disputes with a slave nation as a result. Mohammad was born 144,000 human years ago and following the great floods. Mohammad began his life as a warrior and held no guilt about chopping the head off another. He traveled to many regions that were engaging in warfare between red nation tribes. Warfare excited Mohammad. Red nations’ tribes had fallen into disputes over territory and provisions as without the ice shields, weather patterns were inconsistent. Those that survived the floods went into lack in many regions; and then tribes that had lived in such regions for thousands of years became deprived. Out of fear, they chose to war upon and conquer other tribes overtaking land so that they could survive. Mohammad had a deeply profound spiritual experience in which a false creator presented himself to him as an energetic formation. Mohammad was so inspired and agreed to allow this false false creator to embody his form, and guided him to understand how warfare and spirituality were related and this became the foundation of his teachings, to become the warrior for the false creator.
THE UNIVERSE Center tells us war and spirituality have little to do with one another. War is fission thought-form and spirituality is about momentum towards balance and harmony occupations as well as evolution into DNA that causes balance. The false creator guiding Mohammad did not understand such principals and therefore created thought-form that is fission based with appearances as though this thought-form is filled with spiritual concepts. You will find this type of thought-form in most metaphysical material today and there will most always be a hidden language of fission buried underneath the language of balance and harmony. The hidden language of fission causes unconscious wars between those subscribing to the teachings. The unconscious wars allow false creators and other forces to battle for dominion over humanity. This is how the false creators run battles through humans leading to disease.
Mohammad became very popular in his time period and caused masses of humans to gather any time he stepped out to teach. There were auditoriums in this time period that amplified the voice enough that thousands could gather and hear what Mohammad had to say. The false creator stepped through and spoke about love, unity, peace and other ascension based concepts; but behind the words was another language of fission based thought-form. The hidden language caused energetic formations to occur that were less than conducive to sincere unity. Many became ill and others got into disagreements with spouses, families or between families as a result of the unconscious wars between false creators vying to own humans or groups of humans. Mohammad married a beautiful larger headed female that was of God Goddess of Ascension archetype. The false creator stripped the wife through the union causing more information to be displaced upon the red nation hologram of God Goddess of the Sun. Mohammad became even more popular as a result due to greater dream that was stripped from humankind that those of larger headed ancestries were holding. The wife died in childbirth of her son. The son like the father was named Mohammad but did not rise to power in his lifetime as he too had been stripped by the false creator becoming sickly in his early 20’s and dying of a brain tumor at age 36.
Mohammad extended his life well beyond where he should have lived dying at the ripe old age of 860. He took the long life to translate into a truth that he was god or a representative of the god that appeared in front of him long ago. Mohammad went into extreme arrogance about himself and his purpose. Following his wife’s death, he married six others over time with each befalling parallel problems to wife number one and dying a relatively short time into the marriage. Mohammad not only extended his life off his deceased wives, but had eight children all told, and his fourth child and son did rise to power somewhat before Mohammad perished. The son however did not live long enough to take over Mohammad’s position.
Mohammad founded a university of sorts under the guidance of the false creator. The university had those attending focus upon many things that would be considered red nation interest. There was focus upon meditation and prayer; there was focus upon chants and song; there was focus upon certain rituals. The ritual of sacrificing animals to take on the warfare of humankind became popular in this time period. This began to transfer human warfare karma upon the nature kingdoms who subsequently became carnivores when they had been vegetarian leading up to this time period. As human warfare was transferred onto nature, humans went into a peaceful state together. Mohammad was believed to be the leader that led humanity to peace. He continued to be worshipped as a sort of god with the continuation of his university and animal sacrifice for 8000 years and until the nuclear annihilation of the Annuniki removed the recollection of his existence.
There was a famous guru known as Mohammad that lived upon the grids related to the land now known as Australia. This region was far away from the Annunuki and did not fall into the disputes with a slave nation as a result. Mohammad was born 144,000 human years ago and following the great floods. Mohammad began his life as a warrior and held no guilt about chopping the head off another. He traveled to many regions that were engaging in warfare between red nation tribes. Warfare excited Mohammad. Red nations’ tribes had fallen into disputes over territory and provisions as without the ice shields, weather patterns were inconsistent. Those that survived the floods went into lack in many regions; and then tribes that had lived in such regions for thousands of years became deprived. Out of fear, they chose to war upon and conquer other tribes overtaking land so that they could survive. Mohammad had a deeply profound spiritual experience in which a false creator presented himself to him as an energetic formation. Mohammad was so inspired and agreed to allow this false false creator to embody his form, and guided him to understand how warfare and spirituality were related and this became the foundation of his teachings, to become the warrior for the false creator.
THE UNIVERSE Center tells us war and spirituality have little to do with one another. War is fission thought-form and spirituality is about momentum towards balance and harmony occupations as well as evolution into DNA that causes balance. The false creator guiding Mohammad did not understand such principals and therefore created thought-form that is fission based with appearances as though this thought-form is filled with spiritual concepts. You will find this type of thought-form in most metaphysical material today and there will most always be a hidden language of fission buried underneath the language of balance and harmony. The hidden language of fission causes unconscious wars between those subscribing to the teachings. The unconscious wars allow false creators and other forces to battle for dominion over humanity. This is how the false creators run battles through humans leading to disease.
Mohammad became very popular in his time period and caused masses of humans to gather any time he stepped out to teach. There were auditoriums in this time period that amplified the voice enough that thousands could gather and hear what Mohammad had to say. The false creator stepped through and spoke about love, unity, peace and other ascension based concepts; but behind the words was another language of fission based thought-form. The hidden language caused energetic formations to occur that were less than conducive to sincere unity. Many became ill and others got into disagreements with spouses, families or between families as a result of the unconscious wars between false creators vying to own humans or groups of humans. Mohammad married a beautiful larger headed female that was of God Goddess of Ascension archetype. The false creator stripped the wife through the union causing more information to be displaced upon the red nation hologram of God Goddess of the Sun. Mohammad became even more popular as a result due to greater dream that was stripped from humankind that those of larger headed ancestries were holding. The wife died in childbirth of her son. The son like the father was named Mohammad but did not rise to power in his lifetime as he too had been stripped by the false creator becoming sickly in his early 20’s and dying of a brain tumor at age 36.
Mohammad extended his life well beyond where he should have lived dying at the ripe old age of 860. He took the long life to translate into a truth that he was god or a representative of the god that appeared in front of him long ago. Mohammad went into extreme arrogance about himself and his purpose. Following his wife’s death, he married six others over time with each befalling parallel problems to wife number one and dying a relatively short time into the marriage. Mohammad not only extended his life off his deceased wives, but had eight children all told, and his fourth child and son did rise to power somewhat before Mohammad perished. The son however did not live long enough to take over Mohammad’s position.
Mohammad founded a university of sorts under the guidance of the false creator. The university had those attending focus upon many things that would be considered red nation interest. There was focus upon meditation and prayer; there was focus upon chants and song; there was focus upon certain rituals. The ritual of sacrificing animals to take on the warfare of humankind became popular in this time period. This began to transfer human warfare karma upon the nature kingdoms who subsequently became carnivores when they had been vegetarian leading up to this time period. As human warfare was transferred onto nature, humans went into a peaceful state together. Mohammad was believed to be the leader that led humanity to peace. He continued to be worshipped as a sort of god with the continuation of his university and animal sacrifice for 8000 years and until the nuclear annihilation of the Annuniki removed the recollection of his existence.
Archetype of God Goddess of Ascension and God Goddess of the Sun
Rama was born 120,000 human years ago and about 1000 human years preceding the nuclear annihilation of the Annuniku in the grids related to North America in present time. Rama was also a violent warrior that much like Mohammed experienced an apparition of false creator who also told him to put down his sword and become a leader instead. Rama agreed to embody the false creator and took on his name as well. Rama also became a popular teacher and he taught other warriors to put down his sword and follow him to a new way of being. Rama and his former warriors founded a new type of religion under the guidance of false creator Rama. In this religion, the beliefs of equality and honor, truth and freedom were expounded upon. Other leaders were overthrown that were militant in nature and leaders under the Rama movement took over. The new governance created peace and then set up a taxation system to gather funds to build palaces for the elite. Rama had a compound built for him that was exquisite and reminiscent of a the Annuniki in nature, with many pools for bathing and fountains along with running streams; flowers and trees of all kinds imported from neighboring regions, and beautiful arched rooms not unlike Middle Eastern
construction to this day. The interiors were filled with mosaics and elaborate stained glass along with wooden carvings that were quite stunning. The artisans donated time in exchange for life inside the palace grounds. Elaborate farming was developed in this time period with terraced fields and water was diverted from neighboring rivers for irrigation. The farming led to plentiful food source for all related to the Rama movement. People went from suffering into greater harmony in this time period. Alas what was unknown was that upon another continent a great catastrophe was brewing that would lead to the conclusion of his lovely creation.
Rama married four times bearing six children. Each of his wives continued to exist and he was guided by the false creator Rama to take a second, third and fourth wife over time. Each of the wives learned to live in relative harmony with one another and rotated time with Rama. Rama traveled throughout the regions that he deployed leadership unto, carrying on with meetings and teachings to support them related to false god Rama. More than not felt that Rama had improved conditions in regional homelands and so they supported his governance. Rama was guided by false creator Rama to ascend. Rama withdrew from all other preoccupations and went inward to transform thought-form under false creator Rama guidance. Rama like many inner earth larger headed humans that combust was of an extremely variant genealogy that hosted more Pleiadian and Arcturian DNA than Sirian DNA. At a particular time that the Annuniki were inflating electrical geometrical patterns in an attempt to continue to regenerate, Rama rose into pyramidal flow and combust, but appearing to have launched an ascension in the midst of a large annual meeting of the leadership that followed him. All present thought he ascended; actually Rama’s combustion added to the inflation of fission thought-form of Earth that then led to the nuclear annihilation of the Annuniki in less than 250 years to follow. False creator Rama inflated himself up the dimensions into greater dominion in both the combustion of Rama and the nuclear annihilation of the Annuniki.
Rama was born 120,000 human years ago and about 1000 human years preceding the nuclear annihilation of the Annuniku in the grids related to North America in present time. Rama was also a violent warrior that much like Mohammed experienced an apparition of false creator who also told him to put down his sword and become a leader instead. Rama agreed to embody the false creator and took on his name as well. Rama also became a popular teacher and he taught other warriors to put down his sword and follow him to a new way of being. Rama and his former warriors founded a new type of religion under the guidance of false creator Rama. In this religion, the beliefs of equality and honor, truth and freedom were expounded upon. Other leaders were overthrown that were militant in nature and leaders under the Rama movement took over. The new governance created peace and then set up a taxation system to gather funds to build palaces for the elite. Rama had a compound built for him that was exquisite and reminiscent of a the Annuniki in nature, with many pools for bathing and fountains along with running streams; flowers and trees of all kinds imported from neighboring regions, and beautiful arched rooms not unlike Middle Eastern
construction to this day. The interiors were filled with mosaics and elaborate stained glass along with wooden carvings that were quite stunning. The artisans donated time in exchange for life inside the palace grounds. Elaborate farming was developed in this time period with terraced fields and water was diverted from neighboring rivers for irrigation. The farming led to plentiful food source for all related to the Rama movement. People went from suffering into greater harmony in this time period. Alas what was unknown was that upon another continent a great catastrophe was brewing that would lead to the conclusion of his lovely creation.
Rama married four times bearing six children. Each of his wives continued to exist and he was guided by the false creator Rama to take a second, third and fourth wife over time. Each of the wives learned to live in relative harmony with one another and rotated time with Rama. Rama traveled throughout the regions that he deployed leadership unto, carrying on with meetings and teachings to support them related to false god Rama. More than not felt that Rama had improved conditions in regional homelands and so they supported his governance. Rama was guided by false creator Rama to ascend. Rama withdrew from all other preoccupations and went inward to transform thought-form under false creator Rama guidance. Rama like many inner earth larger headed humans that combust was of an extremely variant genealogy that hosted more Pleiadian and Arcturian DNA than Sirian DNA. At a particular time that the Annuniki were inflating electrical geometrical patterns in an attempt to continue to regenerate, Rama rose into pyramidal flow and combust, but appearing to have launched an ascension in the midst of a large annual meeting of the leadership that followed him. All present thought he ascended; actually Rama’s combustion added to the inflation of fission thought-form of Earth that then led to the nuclear annihilation of the Annuniki in less than 250 years to follow. False creator Rama inflated himself up the dimensions into greater dominion in both the combustion of Rama and the nuclear annihilation of the Annuniki.
Archetype of God Goddess of Ascension and God Goddess of Love
Confuscious was born in a region related to the grids known as China today around 28,000 years ago and 2,000 years following the nuclear winter of the Annuniki. Confuscious began his life in poverty and over time chose to become a monk of sorts in the local religion. Monks in this time period did not have a place to live; instead they would roam the streets exchanging teaching for food or shelter. A false creator also appeared to Confuscious one day while in meditation and he agreed to allow the false creator use over his field and form. Over time his teachings became very populal. Over time Confuscious ingratiated the wealthier in his community with his teachings and they chose to create a temple on his behalf. Many contributed to the funds and energy required to create this elaborate temple, that was designed not unlike Eastern shrines today, with beautiful tiled roofs and manicured grounds. The grounds were immaculately cared for with ponds and bonsai, and sand that could be pushed into various designs pleasing the gardener; or used as a form of meditation. Walking meditation became popular under Confuscious guidance and often groups of humans would follow him up the trails into the woods for the entire day; or for a week or more. The walking meditation was often in silence and each was guided inward to listen within. In the evenings they would gather around the fire and Confuscious would teach with story telling as a modality of sharing.
Confuscious never married as he believed firmly in abstinence preaching that sexuality took humans away from the inward spiritual focus. He gathered maleand female monks that moved into his shrine and also abstained; and the grounds expanded to accommodate those who chose to become his personal following. The shrine had weekly rituals, meditation, toning and chanting, as well as teachings of Confuscious. Those receiving his teaching were deployed to other shrines built in his honor in other regions as a sort of minister of Confuscious. Generally those holding the position of minister of his other temples had the same archetypal guru nature as Confuscious. Each deployed of this nature also
channeled the same false creator and so the teachings often resembled one another. Confuscious grew a long beard that was never trimmed and hair that was never cut. He was told by the false creator that hair held consciousness and that the longer the hair grew the more consciousness of the god he had embodied. His beard and hair touched the floor towards the end of his life. He also had elaborate silk robes with beautiful designs of nature woven into the fabric that he wore and those following him were impressed by. Confuscious stripped the consciousness and information of those of the false master inheritance that came to study with him and many became ill and died; he
extended his life 900 years as a result. Confuscious’ seeming immortality at a time that most humans rarely lived beyond 150 years made him a real god in the region that he lived. His memory carries on in Chinese myths as a result today.
Confuscious was born in a region related to the grids known as China today around 28,000 years ago and 2,000 years following the nuclear winter of the Annuniki. Confuscious began his life in poverty and over time chose to become a monk of sorts in the local religion. Monks in this time period did not have a place to live; instead they would roam the streets exchanging teaching for food or shelter. A false creator also appeared to Confuscious one day while in meditation and he agreed to allow the false creator use over his field and form. Over time his teachings became very populal. Over time Confuscious ingratiated the wealthier in his community with his teachings and they chose to create a temple on his behalf. Many contributed to the funds and energy required to create this elaborate temple, that was designed not unlike Eastern shrines today, with beautiful tiled roofs and manicured grounds. The grounds were immaculately cared for with ponds and bonsai, and sand that could be pushed into various designs pleasing the gardener; or used as a form of meditation. Walking meditation became popular under Confuscious guidance and often groups of humans would follow him up the trails into the woods for the entire day; or for a week or more. The walking meditation was often in silence and each was guided inward to listen within. In the evenings they would gather around the fire and Confuscious would teach with story telling as a modality of sharing.
Confuscious never married as he believed firmly in abstinence preaching that sexuality took humans away from the inward spiritual focus. He gathered maleand female monks that moved into his shrine and also abstained; and the grounds expanded to accommodate those who chose to become his personal following. The shrine had weekly rituals, meditation, toning and chanting, as well as teachings of Confuscious. Those receiving his teaching were deployed to other shrines built in his honor in other regions as a sort of minister of Confuscious. Generally those holding the position of minister of his other temples had the same archetypal guru nature as Confuscious. Each deployed of this nature also
channeled the same false creator and so the teachings often resembled one another. Confuscious grew a long beard that was never trimmed and hair that was never cut. He was told by the false creator that hair held consciousness and that the longer the hair grew the more consciousness of the god he had embodied. His beard and hair touched the floor towards the end of his life. He also had elaborate silk robes with beautiful designs of nature woven into the fabric that he wore and those following him were impressed by. Confuscious stripped the consciousness and information of those of the false master inheritance that came to study with him and many became ill and died; he
extended his life 900 years as a result. Confuscious’ seeming immortality at a time that most humans rarely lived beyond 150 years made him a real god in the region that he lived. His memory carries on in Chinese myths as a result today.
Archetype of God Goddess of Ascension and God Goddess of Love
Allah was born 25,000 years ago as a sheep herder that migrated with his flocks all over what are now the grids of Turkey, Greece and Spain. Allah also had a vision of a false creator while out in one of his pastures. He thought he had drunk too much of a local cocktail made of the roots of a special plant of the time. So he ignored the vision. This made the false creator angry... the false creator appeared in front of him a little later even larger than before. Again Allah thought he had really had way too much to drink the night before, and disregarded whatever was said. The next time the false creator appeared as large as a mountain and now Allah paid attention. He listened and was told that he was to stop herding animals and start herding humans willing to listen to what his false creator had to say. Allah bowed to his knees in absolute subordination and false creator embodied him.
Allah was guided into a small village where he sold his sheep for a small profit. Under the guidance of the false creator, he then purchased a horse for transportation. He rode into the neighboring village and was advised to enter the temple and free all the sheep and goats restrained for sacrifice. He took the stand that sacrifice was wrong and led to the bloodshed of humans and had to be stopped. This gained enough attention that people would turn out for his sermons. The numbers listening to Allah grew, and one day a wealthy resident of this village showed up for some personal guidance due to disturbances within his family. Allah and the false creator guided him to donate all his fortune to this cause and leave the family behind. The family was angry but felt powerless to do anything, and resorted to begging on the streets thereafter as all the money went into building Allah’s temples.
Allah’s temples grew to be 500 in number across a region of over 1000 miles today. He would travel year round visiting as many temples as he could, preaching to others, and assigning those who studied with him heartily to the role of managing each regional temple. The temples believed in vegetarianism and each that committed to the path of Allah could not eat flesh. Flesh had become popular following the nuclear winter of the Annuniki; therefore, those in this region returned to vegetarianism due to Allah’s teaching. Animal sacrifice was also outlawed in this time period. A lovely form of bartering and trading came to be during this era and there were ample supplies from other regions that were prolific in the creation of food, herbs, teas and other necessities for such things as basket weaving or other crafts. Those living in the remoter regions would harvest the resources and bring them to the cities of Allah and sell them; and then take the money for a holiday where they were waited upon after a long season’s work spent to harvest the resources. Allah attracted many types of students some of which became his personal lovers. Allah preferred males. This was hidden as he preached a dream of the good marriage with many children and many wives to sustain those who were wealthier. He claimed that he was the lover of his false creator and did not require a wife, and this was believed although many a beautiful female was presented to him over time. Beautiful men also abounded in his temples and they were seduced, but never did share the truth with the public, and even if they had they may not have been believed. Allah attracted and seduced many of the false masters ancestor and stripped them of information to extend his life. Many of his lovers became ill and he nurtured them until death feeling somehow responsible, but not bringing to consciousness why. Allah lived to a ripe old age of 495 and died on the day he was born. The region mourned Allah and inflated his presence even greater following his death, creating stories of his life that were really not so; but that they loved to believe and share.
Allah was born 25,000 years ago as a sheep herder that migrated with his flocks all over what are now the grids of Turkey, Greece and Spain. Allah also had a vision of a false creator while out in one of his pastures. He thought he had drunk too much of a local cocktail made of the roots of a special plant of the time. So he ignored the vision. This made the false creator angry... the false creator appeared in front of him a little later even larger than before. Again Allah thought he had really had way too much to drink the night before, and disregarded whatever was said. The next time the false creator appeared as large as a mountain and now Allah paid attention. He listened and was told that he was to stop herding animals and start herding humans willing to listen to what his false creator had to say. Allah bowed to his knees in absolute subordination and false creator embodied him.
Allah was guided into a small village where he sold his sheep for a small profit. Under the guidance of the false creator, he then purchased a horse for transportation. He rode into the neighboring village and was advised to enter the temple and free all the sheep and goats restrained for sacrifice. He took the stand that sacrifice was wrong and led to the bloodshed of humans and had to be stopped. This gained enough attention that people would turn out for his sermons. The numbers listening to Allah grew, and one day a wealthy resident of this village showed up for some personal guidance due to disturbances within his family. Allah and the false creator guided him to donate all his fortune to this cause and leave the family behind. The family was angry but felt powerless to do anything, and resorted to begging on the streets thereafter as all the money went into building Allah’s temples.
Allah’s temples grew to be 500 in number across a region of over 1000 miles today. He would travel year round visiting as many temples as he could, preaching to others, and assigning those who studied with him heartily to the role of managing each regional temple. The temples believed in vegetarianism and each that committed to the path of Allah could not eat flesh. Flesh had become popular following the nuclear winter of the Annuniki; therefore, those in this region returned to vegetarianism due to Allah’s teaching. Animal sacrifice was also outlawed in this time period. A lovely form of bartering and trading came to be during this era and there were ample supplies from other regions that were prolific in the creation of food, herbs, teas and other necessities for such things as basket weaving or other crafts. Those living in the remoter regions would harvest the resources and bring them to the cities of Allah and sell them; and then take the money for a holiday where they were waited upon after a long season’s work spent to harvest the resources. Allah attracted many types of students some of which became his personal lovers. Allah preferred males. This was hidden as he preached a dream of the good marriage with many children and many wives to sustain those who were wealthier. He claimed that he was the lover of his false creator and did not require a wife, and this was believed although many a beautiful female was presented to him over time. Beautiful men also abounded in his temples and they were seduced, but never did share the truth with the public, and even if they had they may not have been believed. Allah attracted and seduced many of the false masters ancestor and stripped them of information to extend his life. Many of his lovers became ill and he nurtured them until death feeling somehow responsible, but not bringing to consciousness why. Allah lived to a ripe old age of 495 and died on the day he was born. The region mourned Allah and inflated his presence even greater following his death, creating stories of his life that were really not so; but that they loved to believe and share.
Archetype of God Goddess of Ascension and God Goddess of the Sun
Thoth was born in the grids of the land known as Europe today. Thoth was a beautiful male that was very lazy. His family was wealthy and he was waited upon hand and foot as he was the next heir to the family fortune. Thoth traveled to other regions that his family owned property and had many a lover. Some of his lovers were married women and desired his hand in marriage; but he would not marry any of them.
One day Thoth was walking out in the country side. The day was beautiful and he had a vision of a grand golden being that called himself Thoth that appeared before him. Thoth told him to take on his name and at this point he did, although the family never understood, and would always call him by his birth name, Romaly. Thoth left the land of his birth and took a long boat ride to another continent now related to Egypt. Upon this continent he was greeted by others who were wealthy. Thoth began to preach another way of being unto them and they took heed. Soon
those believing in Thoth chose to create temples in his honor. The temples were quite beautiful with gardens, fountains, small lakes and trees
and small thatched dwellings to sleep, cook or visit within. Thoth began an ascension group over time that gathered for this purpose. Initiates were all male and they focused upon that which false creatorThoth guided them to focus upon. The unconscious of the group arose into great power and energetically slaughtered all other spiritual groups until most other leaders of the land and of other false creators perished. Thoth the false creator won dominion over human spirituality in Egypt and Europe in this time period.
Thoth married eight women and had sixteen children. False creator Thoth knew that if he did not marry them all that his following would be unhappy, and so the idea of multiple wives took hold and the wealthier following married many women as a result, and bore many more children too. This created a sort of harem style life for the wealthiest. Children born of this were given to the visitor for adaption upon birth to expand their family. Procreation was the main focus of Thoth’s era. Thoth also gathered to himself those of false master knowledge and stripped them; however they were rarely wives or children but those who believed in his teachings and lived in his temples. Those of this nature became ill and died with others in the temples nursing them to the end. Thoth extended his life 380 years and into seeming immortality. His songs and dances and rituals of love spread to regions that did not have a Thoth temple, and he was loved for over 800 years beyond his death due to how the love that was felt by others. However the feeling of love Thoth expressed was really only a pattern of group seduction as he was actually a very lonely and sad man who spent his time drinking. Thoth created false love that everyone attune unto in a group seduction and this empowered Thoth as a teacher in the physical in his time period.
Thoth was born in the grids of the land known as Europe today. Thoth was a beautiful male that was very lazy. His family was wealthy and he was waited upon hand and foot as he was the next heir to the family fortune. Thoth traveled to other regions that his family owned property and had many a lover. Some of his lovers were married women and desired his hand in marriage; but he would not marry any of them.
One day Thoth was walking out in the country side. The day was beautiful and he had a vision of a grand golden being that called himself Thoth that appeared before him. Thoth told him to take on his name and at this point he did, although the family never understood, and would always call him by his birth name, Romaly. Thoth left the land of his birth and took a long boat ride to another continent now related to Egypt. Upon this continent he was greeted by others who were wealthy. Thoth began to preach another way of being unto them and they took heed. Soon
those believing in Thoth chose to create temples in his honor. The temples were quite beautiful with gardens, fountains, small lakes and trees
and small thatched dwellings to sleep, cook or visit within. Thoth began an ascension group over time that gathered for this purpose. Initiates were all male and they focused upon that which false creatorThoth guided them to focus upon. The unconscious of the group arose into great power and energetically slaughtered all other spiritual groups until most other leaders of the land and of other false creators perished. Thoth the false creator won dominion over human spirituality in Egypt and Europe in this time period.
Thoth married eight women and had sixteen children. False creator Thoth knew that if he did not marry them all that his following would be unhappy, and so the idea of multiple wives took hold and the wealthier following married many women as a result, and bore many more children too. This created a sort of harem style life for the wealthiest. Children born of this were given to the visitor for adaption upon birth to expand their family. Procreation was the main focus of Thoth’s era. Thoth also gathered to himself those of false master knowledge and stripped them; however they were rarely wives or children but those who believed in his teachings and lived in his temples. Those of this nature became ill and died with others in the temples nursing them to the end. Thoth extended his life 380 years and into seeming immortality. His songs and dances and rituals of love spread to regions that did not have a Thoth temple, and he was loved for over 800 years beyond his death due to how the love that was felt by others. However the feeling of love Thoth expressed was really only a pattern of group seduction as he was actually a very lonely and sad man who spent his time drinking. Thoth created false love that everyone attune unto in a group seduction and this empowered Thoth as a teacher in the physical in his time period.
Archetype of God Goddess of Ascension and God Goddess of Love
Quetzlcoatl was born in the grids related to South America 22,000 years ago. Quetzlcoatl was born to a wealthy land baron of the time that was most interested in his son’s education not only in a learned sense but a spiritual sense as well. He was sent off with many learned people along with religious monks for months on end. Quetzlcoatl would return and share with his father what he had learned; his father had spent so much time earning the vast family fortune that he had not the time for the things he would really enjoy including spiritual pondering.
Quetzlcoatl became a monk of sorts before the age of twenty and went off for five years spending time with spiritual groups and visiting many lands of variant cultures and learned many spiritual practices. After his journeys he returned home only to discover his father was dying. Quetzlcoatl felt bad and tried to save his father; but he could not even though he elicited the support of all the spiritual people he had come to know in his childhood studies. His father begged that he let him go as he was done with this life; and so Quetzlcoatl did and his father died
peacefully in his sleep that night.
Quetzlcoatl inherited the family fortune but felt that the fortune was not gathered inside spiritual law; and so he sought to give most of his fortune away to those who were hungry or in need. His one and only sister had married into a wealthy family herself and was not in need. And so he left with his fortune on countless mules and visited 900 other cities over time. Quetzlcoatl not only shared of his wealth but preached a particular vision of truth that was over lighted by the false creator. Those that were wealthy themselves came out and invested funds into Quetzlcoatl who donated the funds to those who were poorer or less fortunate than themselves. Quetzlcoatl would often visit regions that were war torn or experiencing plagues and disease run rampant and would enter the hospitals hosting the victims. He felt that his love would make a difference. There was great bitterness amongst those perishing of wounds upon the battlefield and Quetzlcoatl did not really understand the experience and could not really help as a result. For those who could forgive, Quetzlcoatl appeared to be able to help and they could die more easily during sleep.
Over time Quetzlcoatl settled in a particular region near Chile today and was embraced as a returning god. The locals welcomed him and threw parties in his appearance. Quetzlcoatl himself did not believe he was a reappearance of this god but accepted the adoration. Temples were built and he was worshipped for a time. Quetzlcoatl was not sexual and was not interested in the local women who presented themselves unto him. Over time he got bored with the role and left returning to his home region but without fortune. The region he left continued to worship him and did not know where he had gone, and assumed he had gone home to the gods and this is why he had disappeared again. In his home region Quetzlcoatl was remembered and embraced for his teachings and he died at the age of 225.
Quetzlcoatl was born in the grids related to South America 22,000 years ago. Quetzlcoatl was born to a wealthy land baron of the time that was most interested in his son’s education not only in a learned sense but a spiritual sense as well. He was sent off with many learned people along with religious monks for months on end. Quetzlcoatl would return and share with his father what he had learned; his father had spent so much time earning the vast family fortune that he had not the time for the things he would really enjoy including spiritual pondering.
Quetzlcoatl became a monk of sorts before the age of twenty and went off for five years spending time with spiritual groups and visiting many lands of variant cultures and learned many spiritual practices. After his journeys he returned home only to discover his father was dying. Quetzlcoatl felt bad and tried to save his father; but he could not even though he elicited the support of all the spiritual people he had come to know in his childhood studies. His father begged that he let him go as he was done with this life; and so Quetzlcoatl did and his father died
peacefully in his sleep that night.
Quetzlcoatl inherited the family fortune but felt that the fortune was not gathered inside spiritual law; and so he sought to give most of his fortune away to those who were hungry or in need. His one and only sister had married into a wealthy family herself and was not in need. And so he left with his fortune on countless mules and visited 900 other cities over time. Quetzlcoatl not only shared of his wealth but preached a particular vision of truth that was over lighted by the false creator. Those that were wealthy themselves came out and invested funds into Quetzlcoatl who donated the funds to those who were poorer or less fortunate than themselves. Quetzlcoatl would often visit regions that were war torn or experiencing plagues and disease run rampant and would enter the hospitals hosting the victims. He felt that his love would make a difference. There was great bitterness amongst those perishing of wounds upon the battlefield and Quetzlcoatl did not really understand the experience and could not really help as a result. For those who could forgive, Quetzlcoatl appeared to be able to help and they could die more easily during sleep.
Over time Quetzlcoatl settled in a particular region near Chile today and was embraced as a returning god. The locals welcomed him and threw parties in his appearance. Quetzlcoatl himself did not believe he was a reappearance of this god but accepted the adoration. Temples were built and he was worshipped for a time. Quetzlcoatl was not sexual and was not interested in the local women who presented themselves unto him. Over time he got bored with the role and left returning to his home region but without fortune. The region he left continued to worship him and did not know where he had gone, and assumed he had gone home to the gods and this is why he had disappeared again. In his home region Quetzlcoatl was remembered and embraced for his teachings and he died at the age of 225.
Each of the False Gurus were embodied and overseen by a particular false creator that desired dominion over other false creators - causing the Guru to rise to power, the false creator could control and manipulate along with strip the dream and information of more humans. The dreams stripped from others were pressed into the Guru’s life that rose to great fame as a result, while others fell into less as a result. A large portion of the vision/ dreams stripped were also kept by the false creators to create nonphysical planes. The end result was less over time for the overall.
Earth estimates that she has lost 95% of her future vision over time to the nonphysical forces that work through the Gurus, Annuniki, and Pharaoh Archetypes. Such false god and creator forces are not divine nor are they working to sustain Earth; nor were they working to sustain humans in the long haul. They are a self centered consciousness that is so infinitely small and knows so little that they would destroy the whole for self gain. This is due to the false guru's genetics is from another creation; or is so paired down and lost the connection to THE UNIVERSE Center.
In understanding the original cause and why one or another is so, and why one or others act and behave as they do due to ancestry archetypal nature, a human may forgive; and in the forgiveness a human may learn and master unconditional acceptance. As we learn to accept one another there is the possibility of harmony and compassion in action to be born. This is the path of Christ Consciousness; to master forgiveness, to open the heart and love and allow compassion to become the beacon of human existence and for all others to perceive and experience. As compassion becomes a global thought-form humans will begin to collectively act more compassionately towards one another and towards the differences between cultures and cultural vision and dreams. As humans begin to act compassionately towards differences in cultures, then negotiation may begin to settle disputes and wars begin to cease to be necessary in the new vision and dream ahead.
Earth estimates that she has lost 95% of her future vision over time to the nonphysical forces that work through the Gurus, Annuniki, and Pharaoh Archetypes. Such false god and creator forces are not divine nor are they working to sustain Earth; nor were they working to sustain humans in the long haul. They are a self centered consciousness that is so infinitely small and knows so little that they would destroy the whole for self gain. This is due to the false guru's genetics is from another creation; or is so paired down and lost the connection to THE UNIVERSE Center.
In understanding the original cause and why one or another is so, and why one or others act and behave as they do due to ancestry archetypal nature, a human may forgive; and in the forgiveness a human may learn and master unconditional acceptance. As we learn to accept one another there is the possibility of harmony and compassion in action to be born. This is the path of Christ Consciousness; to master forgiveness, to open the heart and love and allow compassion to become the beacon of human existence and for all others to perceive and experience. As compassion becomes a global thought-form humans will begin to collectively act more compassionately towards one another and towards the differences between cultures and cultural vision and dreams. As humans begin to act compassionately towards differences in cultures, then negotiation may begin to settle disputes and wars begin to cease to be necessary in the new vision and dream ahead.