IndividualSELF Foundation Development
The reconciling of the negative behavior fueling humanity is to choose to act and behave as an ethical human being. Many philosophers of ancient wisdom have written in depth on ethics, morality and virtues; however, what is missing is the complete understanding of UNIVERSAL Natural Laws, which are guiding principles for humanity.
Each human being must find the UNIVERSAL Truth meaning of virtue-based ethics from the HigherSELF Heart.
To be sovereign of SELF is to be free of the control or coercion of others. To truly have the freedom to direct human life requires an accurate assessment of conditions which affords the right to apply informed consent to IndividualSELF decision making.
IndividualSelf-Sovereignty is inherently a human right given through Creator SOURCE and the Universal Laws, expressed through the Law of One which describe these laws that direct the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness throughout time and space. Ascension is a simultaneous increase of expanded consciousness that occurs when the human spiritual-energetic body connects into the human physical body, and thus when this higher consciousness body is present, this activates and amplifies the Spiritual Immune System. The Spiritual Immune System requires attention, discernment of forces and proper nourishment in order to function well. Similar to the physical immune system that requires nutrients and sustenance to be effective at deflecting and neutralizing negative forces.
Many are not aware that all human beings have a Spiritual Immune System as well as a biological immune system, and that these are interdependent systems that function together to protect the living body and consciousness from foreign invaders and negative forces. Humanity's sense of spiritual Intelligence and how to perceive the relationship to a higher power is directly related to the immune system functioning and the effect upon health and well-being. The development of the Spiritual Immune System enhances the ability to cope with stress, resulting in better health practices, with greater overall contentment with the quality of life experiences. Health and mental wellness are connected and education about biological and spiritual immune systems are required.
When the HigherSELF Heart is participating, a human is exploring what is truly meaningful in his or her life, this conscious participation with divinity also greatly protects human beings from negative dark forces. Whether these forces are seen or unseen, known or unknown, the loving and pure heart that has the faith or direct experience that connects to divinity without intermediary is what protects humans. This activates and powers up the human inner Spiritual Immune System, repelling the darkest fears and anxieties that cloud the mind with deceptions and lies. During this time of the dark night of the soul which is leading humanity to a global awakening, this is a great opportunity to deeply inquire within and reclaim IndividualSELF inherent divinity.
To activate the Spiritual Immune System, knowledge that human beings are multidimensional electromagnetic spiritual beings with a Lightbody that is enforced in Natural Laws, is critical information at this time. Everything that is inside the human physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body belongs to a human in Natural Law, and there is strong spiritual power activated in where a human consciously place his or her consent or the lack thereof.
The human lightbody is comprised of multiple interconnected layers of electromagnetic fields of energy that extend all around the physical body like an energy shield covering and protecting all of the layers of the consciousness body. The quality, color and size of the organic energy the lightbody is directly related to the level of energetic balance that relates to the overall health, bio-neurological functioning and spiritual connection to the Natural Laws. A strong functioning Spiritual Immune System in turn nourishes the cells with vital forces that help to protect, strengthen and heal the physical body from states of dis-ease or dysfunction.
Thus, the biological immune system that defends the human body from pathogenic invaders and toxins, is directly interrelated to the functions of the Spiritual Immune System which relies on the quality of the lightbody and consciousness development to draw upon for the energy healing resources to sustain optimum health and well-being.
IndividualSelf-Sovereignty is inherently a human right given through Creator SOURCE and the Universal Laws, expressed through the Law of One which describe these laws that direct the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness throughout time and space. Ascension is a simultaneous increase of expanded consciousness that occurs when the human spiritual-energetic body connects into the human physical body, and thus when this higher consciousness body is present, this activates and amplifies the Spiritual Immune System. The Spiritual Immune System requires attention, discernment of forces and proper nourishment in order to function well. Similar to the physical immune system that requires nutrients and sustenance to be effective at deflecting and neutralizing negative forces.
Many are not aware that all human beings have a Spiritual Immune System as well as a biological immune system, and that these are interdependent systems that function together to protect the living body and consciousness from foreign invaders and negative forces. Humanity's sense of spiritual Intelligence and how to perceive the relationship to a higher power is directly related to the immune system functioning and the effect upon health and well-being. The development of the Spiritual Immune System enhances the ability to cope with stress, resulting in better health practices, with greater overall contentment with the quality of life experiences. Health and mental wellness are connected and education about biological and spiritual immune systems are required.
When the HigherSELF Heart is participating, a human is exploring what is truly meaningful in his or her life, this conscious participation with divinity also greatly protects human beings from negative dark forces. Whether these forces are seen or unseen, known or unknown, the loving and pure heart that has the faith or direct experience that connects to divinity without intermediary is what protects humans. This activates and powers up the human inner Spiritual Immune System, repelling the darkest fears and anxieties that cloud the mind with deceptions and lies. During this time of the dark night of the soul which is leading humanity to a global awakening, this is a great opportunity to deeply inquire within and reclaim IndividualSELF inherent divinity.
To activate the Spiritual Immune System, knowledge that human beings are multidimensional electromagnetic spiritual beings with a Lightbody that is enforced in Natural Laws, is critical information at this time. Everything that is inside the human physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body belongs to a human in Natural Law, and there is strong spiritual power activated in where a human consciously place his or her consent or the lack thereof.
The human lightbody is comprised of multiple interconnected layers of electromagnetic fields of energy that extend all around the physical body like an energy shield covering and protecting all of the layers of the consciousness body. The quality, color and size of the organic energy the lightbody is directly related to the level of energetic balance that relates to the overall health, bio-neurological functioning and spiritual connection to the Natural Laws. A strong functioning Spiritual Immune System in turn nourishes the cells with vital forces that help to protect, strengthen and heal the physical body from states of dis-ease or dysfunction.
Thus, the biological immune system that defends the human body from pathogenic invaders and toxins, is directly interrelated to the functions of the Spiritual Immune System which relies on the quality of the lightbody and consciousness development to draw upon for the energy healing resources to sustain optimum health and well-being.
Unplugged DNA
We are in a phase where the original human DNA coding may be reclaimed into organic sequencing from the reversals that were used by the dark opposing force to scramble the cellular alphabet. The cellular alphabet is the mechanism the cell uses for sending internal messages, such as determining the use of specific proteins to repair damage done to human physical genes; the historical timeline trigger event when human DNA was unplugged on the Earth, which damaged the internal chemical messaging in human cells.
The Sumerian-Egypt invasion is the reference point in current historical record where human DNA was unplugged on the Earth. When human DNA was unplugged, all Galactic War memories along with our true historical origins were erased from human conscious mind memories by the dark opposing force invading races. Human DNA and vibratory digression began a gradual descent from the dark population coming to Earth's Solar System primarily 208,000 years ago as a result of the Orion Wars. When the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion began, this event unplugged human DNA and scrambled the geometric codes in the planetary morphogenetic fields, which blocked higher sensory perception and thus, blocked multidimensional perception of other timelines. The stargate takeover in Egypt from the Luciferian rebellion allowed the fallen angelic hybrids to erase the collective human race memory in the astral plane and soul matrix layers, in which they created the False Ascension Matrix as an enslavement.
At the point of the dark invasion, this blocked the 8th Portal and the 12th Portal of the Planetary Gates, therefore blocking the 8th and 12th consciousness points and related energy centers in the human body and planetary body. The collapse of the magnetic field created DNA scrambling that removed human natural language and ability to communicate with the entire planetary species. This interfered with the sequence to arrange correctly in the original human DNA template, causing loss of species memory and language. In the bible, this is referred to as the time Jesus Christ deliberately confounded our species language, because humanity was deemed to be sinners and as such, and is called the Tower of Babel Implant. Genesis 11:9; Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.] Glandular system implants that generate malfunctions in the ascension path that impact the brain receivers and the hormonal messaging in the hypothalamus, thalamus, pineal, thyroid, and thymus. This was desired to shorten the human life span.
We are in a phase where the original human DNA coding may be reclaimed into organic sequencing from the reversals that were used by the dark opposing force to scramble the cellular alphabet. The cellular alphabet is the mechanism the cell uses for sending internal messages, such as determining the use of specific proteins to repair damage done to human physical genes; the historical timeline trigger event when human DNA was unplugged on the Earth, which damaged the internal chemical messaging in human cells.
The Sumerian-Egypt invasion is the reference point in current historical record where human DNA was unplugged on the Earth. When human DNA was unplugged, all Galactic War memories along with our true historical origins were erased from human conscious mind memories by the dark opposing force invading races. Human DNA and vibratory digression began a gradual descent from the dark population coming to Earth's Solar System primarily 208,000 years ago as a result of the Orion Wars. When the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion began, this event unplugged human DNA and scrambled the geometric codes in the planetary morphogenetic fields, which blocked higher sensory perception and thus, blocked multidimensional perception of other timelines. The stargate takeover in Egypt from the Luciferian rebellion allowed the fallen angelic hybrids to erase the collective human race memory in the astral plane and soul matrix layers, in which they created the False Ascension Matrix as an enslavement.
At the point of the dark invasion, this blocked the 8th Portal and the 12th Portal of the Planetary Gates, therefore blocking the 8th and 12th consciousness points and related energy centers in the human body and planetary body. The collapse of the magnetic field created DNA scrambling that removed human natural language and ability to communicate with the entire planetary species. This interfered with the sequence to arrange correctly in the original human DNA template, causing loss of species memory and language. In the bible, this is referred to as the time Jesus Christ deliberately confounded our species language, because humanity was deemed to be sinners and as such, and is called the Tower of Babel Implant. Genesis 11:9; Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.] Glandular system implants that generate malfunctions in the ascension path that impact the brain receivers and the hormonal messaging in the hypothalamus, thalamus, pineal, thyroid, and thymus. This was desired to shorten the human life span.