The 18 Types of Cell Scar TissueCell Scar Tissue Type 1: Molecular Loss
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J. Chambers
UCPOL Consulting Services UNIVERSAL Creation Principles of Life Knowledge For An Evolving Humanity | |
For humans who are dis-eased, there is an opportunity now to ascend into a recovery.
MOLECULAR LOSSSUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to retrieve all molecules lost over time in my ancestry and my current life experience. I intend to release all karma that causes me to give my molecules to another and all patterns that cause me to believe that I must save another. I intend to discern the original cause of the molecular loss of any part of the form that is diseased or could become diseased over time in my continued ascent.” |
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Underlying many diseases is a loss of molecular structure. Molecules will combust due to the presence of dark nuclear radioactive material causing the grid work to collapse inward leading to disease within the associated part of the form. Molecules may also be bartered away in karmic encounters. For humans with collapsing molecular systems, the remission or recovery of molecules that were taken by another or many others are placed into the regions that are collapsing allowing the consciousness field to properly hold the grid work again, causing the recovery.
Molecules rotate in a particular vibration unique to an individual's signature. Molecules of another signature are discordant and allow others to attach into a human's field, which then becomes the vital pathway in which information or moving energy systems are lost. Ascending humans learn to rebuild his or her molecular structure from his or her individual genetic and holographic blueprint to be entirely of that human's own signature, resurrecting over time all that has been lost. The bottom line is a human need not barter with the dark for his or her molecular structure or health; a human requires ascending and reconstructing and reconstituting any part of the form that is missing or combust over time. Energy may be resurrected and reconstituted just as a human resurrects the cellular structure of the form. As a human releases karma for radioactive toxins a human then may push out of the etheric grid work the radioactive material. As the radioactive material leave, the molecules will cease to combust. A human then may resurrect and reconstitute all molecules. As the molecules are in place, new light material of the Vibration Language of THE UNIVERSE may be called in to reweave the grid work. As the new grid work is in place, the grid will provided enough energy to the associated cells that have decayed to resurrected into the Unity Biology form. This is how a human ascends out of disease caused by molecular loss, whether by a bartered loss or loss from combustion. In a bartered loss, a human will have radioactive material in the associated part of the form that send molecules to another that a human has karma to save. As a human releases the original karmic contract to save another, the radioactive material in a human's grid work that send molecules to another may be removed and replaced. As this occurs, the molecules are reconstituted and not bartered away again, allowing enough energy to be available to the associated region of the form to resurrect the associated diseased or decayed cells. How does a human command all of this? A human must intend to ascend, first and foremost. Then a human may begin to intend to uncover the original cause underlying any diseased or compromised part of the form. During homeostasis, a human will research the karma associated. A human may then command just before falling asleep each night to research the karmic cause underlying diseased or problematic areas of the form, release the karma, and reconstitute the molecular structure and grid work. The physical commands the nonphysical, and over time and with such ongoing intention, a human will ascend out of any disease. |
Please Note: To the right are the other 17 types of cell scar tissue; on-line information related to the other 17 types of cell scar tissue will be provided after an initial consultation with J. Chambers.
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Cell Scar Tissue Type 2: Accrual of Matter| Molecules
Cell Scar Tissue Type 3: Loss of Genetic Records Cell Scar Tissue Type 4: Loss of Grid Work Cell Scar Tissue Type 5: Loss of Energy Cell Scar Tissue Type 6: Loss of Zero Points | Closed Meridians Cell Scar Tissue Type 7: Loss of Ascension Grid Work Cell Scar Tissue Type 8: Dysfunctional Angels Cell Scar Tissue Type 9: Dysfunctional Akashic Record Keeper Cell Scar Tissue Type 10: Dysfunctional Biological Record Keeper Cell Scar Tissue Type 11: Dysfunctional Ancestry Record Keeper Cell Scar Tissue Type 12: Subtle Body Manipulations Cell Scar Tissue Type 13: Light Body Manipulations Cell Scar Tissue Type 14: Dark | Destructive Tones of Creation Cell Scar Tissue Type 15: Dark | Destruction Between Humans Cell Scar Tissue Type 16: Nuclear Toxin Cell Scar Tissue Type 17: Present Time Toxins Cell Scar Tissue Type 18 : Mucous Buildup |