Morals are internal standards of what a mind believes to be correct and not correct behavior actions and choices. Moral standards are developed from life experiences.
Moral values create an internal register within a Heart and Mind to evaluate a choice before a created action by consideration of others before an IndividualSELF.
Morals are the required UNIVERSAL basis for an effective Human civilization by creating an environment where compassion for others is valued over IndividualSELF gain at others expense. UNIVERSAL Moral compliance is the interactivity of Humanity in harmony with UNIVERSAL TRUTH and UNIVERSAL Balance and Harmony as participants within THE UNIVERSE and Human civilization.
may Goodness become you
Essence of Being is the quality of intentional aligning thoughts, behaviors, choices and actions to be congruent with your Individual morals and ethics. This commitment must align Individual values and standards, so that when you speak you represent your Individual Principles in what you say.
Developing Individual Principles are essential to becoming a stable, clear and trustworthy human being who aligns his/her decisions in life with chosen Individual values. This is the milestone of building a strong human guided by chosen values that are firmly centered in purpose and directed in life by a human's core IndividualSELF.
When a human compromises core principles or betrays a trust, values, or betrays that which he or she knows is the truth for his or her SELF, a human compromises Individual Principles and allows vulnerability for dark opposing force manipulation that many times descends even more darkness and chaos into the situation regarding the compromise made. To support the embodiment of a human's true nature, and continual consciousness expansion, what is most important is to discern how to maintain Individual Principles. |
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Reflect on your life, what are your Individual Principles?
In the face of the current challenges humans are navigating in this world, you must examine your Individual beliefs and value system to get to the deeper clarity on what is revealed to be the guideline to your truest nature.