THE UNIVERSE Center of All Life tells us to make a statement that he or she knows to be false, especially with the intention to deceive and manipulate for self gain, and to intentionally give a false impression is lying.
Common Deception Techniques with Lying
Misinformation: To invent or perpetrate a false story with the intent to deceive or mislead. This story may be pathologically believed or exaggerated on the story's importance from lack of clarity and discernment. Conversely the disinformation and discredit agenda is to make the information lack credibility, to ridicule or diminish the informations quality. This will be attempted in public, if the person feels threatened, or seeks to damage the character credibility through humiliation and ridicule based on control and tyrannical principles.
Confuse: to employ tactics to divert attention from the real issue, to argue and create dissent specifically with intent to confuse the issue, confuse the group, or deliberately use ambiguity or doublespeak in order to deceive or mislead. This may be experiences as, “do not look here, to confuse you to stay focused on minutiae of unrelated details, or divert energy and attention to the person and his/her agenda”.
Derail: To change the subject of discussion or inquiry in order to avoid the truth; an example is to pretend to be offended in order to stop a conversation about the person's questionable actions. Also a negative ego personality may have a hard time not being the center of attention and will act in ways to derail focus of another, or group, in order to gain attention, accolades or approval. Persons with Guru Complex may potentially use the derailing technique to divert attention to them. This is to gain followers, friends and feel influential through the use of false friend flattery and other types of charismatic communications.
A Lie of Omission is the most pervasive and common behavior that is perpetuated on the entire planet. This is used as a tactic to generate false impressions, to promote something that appears to be something that is not. This human frailty of lies of omission is 100% responsible for promoting those which influence the population, and to enforce the controlled narrative of deceptions and lies.
The correction to this is to speak the Truth in the best capable way. When directing UNIVERSAL TRUTH to others who do not want to hear... a reaction may be aggression or narcissistic. If the other is in rage, these experiences are usually designed to take life force and to exhaust resources to limit the other's efficiency or effectiveness. Boundaries and a neutral emotion state must be maintained through these experiences to cause a positive change. Building Trust in relationship takes genuine actions of ethical conduct in harmony interactions and not flattering words being spoken to create a false impression to be of assistance in stopping negative ego and narcissistic behaviors on the planet.
- Lying is any circumstance that is meant to give a false impression that may be favorable to his or her's personal gain/or agenda.
- A Self-deceptive person may appear to believe he or she is telling the truth, however without clarity beyond negative ego behavior, they are unable to tell the truth consistently and are untrustworthy.
Common Deception Techniques with Lying
Misinformation: To invent or perpetrate a false story with the intent to deceive or mislead. This story may be pathologically believed or exaggerated on the story's importance from lack of clarity and discernment. Conversely the disinformation and discredit agenda is to make the information lack credibility, to ridicule or diminish the informations quality. This will be attempted in public, if the person feels threatened, or seeks to damage the character credibility through humiliation and ridicule based on control and tyrannical principles.
Confuse: to employ tactics to divert attention from the real issue, to argue and create dissent specifically with intent to confuse the issue, confuse the group, or deliberately use ambiguity or doublespeak in order to deceive or mislead. This may be experiences as, “do not look here, to confuse you to stay focused on minutiae of unrelated details, or divert energy and attention to the person and his/her agenda”.
Derail: To change the subject of discussion or inquiry in order to avoid the truth; an example is to pretend to be offended in order to stop a conversation about the person's questionable actions. Also a negative ego personality may have a hard time not being the center of attention and will act in ways to derail focus of another, or group, in order to gain attention, accolades or approval. Persons with Guru Complex may potentially use the derailing technique to divert attention to them. This is to gain followers, friends and feel influential through the use of false friend flattery and other types of charismatic communications.
A Lie of Omission is the most pervasive and common behavior that is perpetuated on the entire planet. This is used as a tactic to generate false impressions, to promote something that appears to be something that is not. This human frailty of lies of omission is 100% responsible for promoting those which influence the population, and to enforce the controlled narrative of deceptions and lies.
The correction to this is to speak the Truth in the best capable way. When directing UNIVERSAL TRUTH to others who do not want to hear... a reaction may be aggression or narcissistic. If the other is in rage, these experiences are usually designed to take life force and to exhaust resources to limit the other's efficiency or effectiveness. Boundaries and a neutral emotion state must be maintained through these experiences to cause a positive change. Building Trust in relationship takes genuine actions of ethical conduct in harmony interactions and not flattering words being spoken to create a false impression to be of assistance in stopping negative ego and narcissistic behaviors on the planet.