UNIVERSAL corrections are being made to many layers of the female principle architecture. The current planetary mission upgrades are primarily focused upon the reclamation of the Feminine Christ, and this is being significantly highlighted in several grid rehabilitation projects that began in 2022, which span into several parallel timelines and major historical trigger events. The instruction sets for the reclamation of the UNIVERSAL Feminine Christ begun to spiral through the energetic current traveling throughout the planetary grid network. As the female biology is able to pick up these transmissions, they begin to naturally repair the magnetic imprints of the lunar woman distortions in a female human physical matrix.
Within the Universal Time matrix, there are two polarized expressions of the original thought projection originating from the Universal Mind or Mind of THE UNIVERSAL Creator. One aspect is polarized in the electrical direction of the masculine principle, while the other aspect is polarized in the equal and opposite magnetic direction of the feminine principle. When these equal and opposing expressions come into manifestation, they interact with each other and this creates a feedback loop into the neutral field that generates gender principle unification. This interaction is effectively what manifests the entire structure of creation. The Holy Mother principle is an aspect of the Cosmic Trinity. With the current Ascension cycle focusing on the return of the UNIVERSAL Feminine Christ, this is a time that many humans will be exploring the meaning embodying the true female principle. Whether male or female, humans at this stage of spiritual development will be spiritually working to resolve Mother issues, and inner female archetypes and relationship. Choose to gently remember and profoundly experience the renewed spiritual relationship with the UNIVERSAL Holy Mother principle, and find her deeply residing in the human sacred crystal heart as she is giving humans messages of divine wisdom. She has returned the spiritualized feminine principle of the Cosmic Solar body which holds the keys that open the gateways into the SOURCE Creator worlds. A human must cultivate a loving relationship with the Holy Mother in order to embody Divine Mother consciousness and to access the timeless and eternal wisdom of the entire UNIVERSE. As She holds the true knowledge and power and strength of animating creation as the prima materia, the divine quintessence that breathes eternal life into form. |
with this knowledge may we come together and renew our connection with our Holy Mother