The collective consciousness of the false Christ Consciousness has existed with humanity for a long time and within the seven planes of Earth. In preparation for Earth’s entry into THE UNIVERSE star gates, the planes of the false Christ consciousness were removed from Earth. These are seven dense planes that hold the darkness thought-form of greed, lust, pain, suffering, death, fear and judgment. These planes were imbedded into the collective consciousness to retain the global rebellion [Fall within THE UNIVERSE] dominion.
In preparation for the realignment of time, these seven vibrations layers that surrounded Earth had to be transmuted. Over the past several years of Earth’s ascension, THE UNIVERSE has used heavier and heavier forms of ultra violet vibrations to bust up and remove these seven dense planes. The UNIVERSE Sun has augmented this shift with certain tones of creation sent Earth’s way through solar flares to assist in the busting up of the density necessary for Earth to enter The Harmonic UNIVERSE star gates. In the process of this cleansing, seven additional dark planes were uncovered beneath the original seven that had been heretofore invisible to Earth. Ascending humans are retrieving parts of soul fractured bits of HigherSELF trapped upon these additional seven planes of reality that were buried underneath the seven others
- 3D Mind Control is a non authorized use of UNIVERSE technology. Psycho technology such as in EMF, Scalar Wave formats that have carrier waves of thought control programs or specific frequency to illicit an automatic Behavior, Emotional or Addictive state in the target. There is also common use of inserts [audio & visual] to influence the thoughts and beliefs of the person[s]. Mind controlled sleepers are used to create chaos and confusion in the masses. Bio-Neurological control of body functions and actions.
- All mind control technology serves the dark opposing force invasion agenda. This is an anti human agenda based in patriarchal domination to enslavement.
- Most mind control technology are harnessing the 3D Levels of ego intelligence through thought forms and belief systems.
- The 3D global mind control agenda has advanced considerably since late 2009. This is to stake the claim and dominate as many minds on the earth as possible. He, who controls the mind, controls the Soul. This is the dark opposing force goal for total domination of humanity and this planet.
In preparation for the realignment of time, these seven vibrations layers that surrounded Earth had to be transmuted. Over the past several years of Earth’s ascension, THE UNIVERSE has used heavier and heavier forms of ultra violet vibrations to bust up and remove these seven dense planes. The UNIVERSE Sun has augmented this shift with certain tones of creation sent Earth’s way through solar flares to assist in the busting up of the density necessary for Earth to enter The Harmonic UNIVERSE star gates. In the process of this cleansing, seven additional dark planes were uncovered beneath the original seven that had been heretofore invisible to Earth. Ascending humans are retrieving parts of soul fractured bits of HigherSELF trapped upon these additional seven planes of reality that were buried underneath the seven others
Humanity's Ascension Path to Full [Christ] Consciousness
- First Stage - Communications via Technology [we are morally failing here]
- Second Stage - Massive Material Changes - [we are battling to gain here]
- Third Stage - Awareness Begins [a few are here]
- Fourth Stage - Humanity's Collective Consciousness becomes aware of Christ Consciousness
Ascension Awareness Development
- Reconciling and clearing beliefs registered within the Mind Consciousness Body that are not in alignment with UNIVERSAL TRUTH.
- Reconciling and clearing of discord of thoughts: examples of society group based belief systems.
- Reconciling and clearing negative energy blocks stored in the negative layer of the Emotional Body
Reconciling and clearing beliefs that are not in alignment with UNIVERSAL TRUTH, discord of thoughts and or negative energy blocks may only be achieved from your efforts. Therefore, by increasing UNIVERSAL Creation Principles of Life Awareness you begin to come into a greater knowledge of UNIVERSAL TRUTH resulting in letting go and clearing of belief systems and/or discord of thoughts that are the cause of repeated negative emotion responses.
The primary purpose of Human physical existence is to assist in the acquisition of experiences that will enhance evolution growth and aid in the understanding of your TRUE creation potential.
- Discipline your mind through understanding the Lightbody’s function and the Lightbody's levels of intelligence.
- Where do you get your thought forms and where do these beliefs originate from? Are you an experiencer of direct knowing?
As your HigherSELF, you become more creative and inventive utilizing internal senses and logic to understand vibration patterns. Unity with and compassion for others will become the team work theme. Challenges will find answers and new, creative solutions not known before.
Live and Learn from your HigherSELF Heart!