A few photos taken from my cell phone as I observed the effects of the battle within THE UNIVERSE in our biosphere 2011/ 2012.
In 2009, I was determined to discover the purpose for Human life existence and my life purpose. I have experienced life experiences that may only be believable by Awareness Human Beings who sense or imagine the invisible world; THE UNIVERSE we participate within. Humanity through intentional force has been prevented from discernment of UNIVERSAL Creation knowledge caused by UNIVERSAL darkness opposing force conditions to keep Humanity in a helpless and fearful controlled environment. SOURCE was shut out of complete control of our world and part of THE UNIVERSE from an error that took place in THE UNIVERSE a very long time ago. I would not believe this would come as a surprise to many Human Beings. I explain this using a simple explanation provided by SOURCE within THE UNIVERSE page of the www.individualself.com website.
During the years of 2010-2014, I was not allowed to communicate or seek assistance from others. My Human life journey has been lonely, physically challenging and very difficult enduring tremendous Human innate fear and uncertainty as I became aware of and experienced the many facets of the UNIVERSAL darkness opposing force control within THE UNIVERSE and our world. Knowing in my HigherSELF Heart and Mind that world life conditions were directly related to the progress SOURCE was making to eliminate UNIVERSAL darkness opposing force conditions within our world, the frustration I experienced turned to great sorrow with knowledge of the cause without the ability to share with Humanity. I attained a Heart and Mind Awareness state that my experiences were beyond the importance of Human existence as I navigated through ongoing challenging experiences. These life experiences continued to cause shifts within me as I discovered strength to sustain my Human Physical life. “By becoming and expressing UNIVERSAL Love and Compassion, your HigherSELF Heart Consciousness becomes strength beyond a known definition.” The danger to the Planet Earth and Humanity may only be explained and defined by SOURCE. With this knowledge, my desire is to provide an improved understanding for others to assist with reconciling world life conditions and events experienced prior to and during our lifetime.
I studied spirituality for many years and initially with innocence; I believed I was awakening; becoming my HigherSELF and that this was the purpose of Human life to make and become this awakened state. I enthusiastically gave of mySELF to assist SOURCE to cause an evolutionary advancement within our world believing the conditions within our world had been and continued to be caused by and from Human choice. Over time, this innocence turned into confusion, sadness and anger as I discerned this was not true. Within months, I found mySELF in a battle for my Human life and to prevent danger to my Family and Humanity, I began to navigate through an extremely complex UNIVERSAL darkness opposing force UNIVERSE and world environment of Human life experiences. I was forced to stop communicating and participating with my Family; I am a wife, mother and grandmother, how does a Human Being do this? How could my Family understand the reasoning for shutting them out of my Human life without a complete explanation? I was hopeful from past life experiences they would discern a knowing I would not make this choice without a complete logical and rational Mind. There was no other choice; my Human survival within the world became as a doer to discern impeccable sensing of SOURCE guidance.
With knowledge of the battle within THE UNIVERSE for control of our world, all that was familiar and the world of safety I created around me was removed. I began to experience a world of not knowing of life experiences occurring or would be occurring making discoveries bit-by-bit, day-by-day. There was no turning back and wishing these Human life experiences away. I could give up or continue to battle with everything I had become. May of 2012 arrived; I sensed I was no longer receiving guidance from SOURCE. I was forced to utilize inner senses within to perceive UNIVERSAL vibrational patterns around me for answers to navigate through UNIVERSAL darkness opposing forced conditions. I believe my Individual Consciousness Sphere Body was within a part of THE UNIVERSE that was not protected as before. Daily Mind and internal Physical Body attacks, and Human life restrictions caused by the UNIVERSAL opposing force became unbearable. This became the next stage of life experiences.
The development and conditioning of my Mind Consciousness and Emotional Body allowed me to maintain calmness and the understanding of my Human Physical Body allowed me to continue to live. I became a strength that I could not nor would I ever imagine I could become. "I could not imagine wanting to communicate with THE UNIVERSE Creator wanting to assist would be what my Human life had become.”
There would be moments when I sensed I could communicate with SOURCE “I would share a thought with SOURCE; I do not know how to give up how to stop striving for the discernment of TRUTH.” With each new day, I had to forget the day before. I could feel my Human Physical Body become weaker. I was in gratitude of my Physical cells ability to continue to repair and replace cells to function effectively.
“A morning arrived in May 2013, my Human Physical Body began to ache from deep within, my breathing became labored; I sensed a feeling from within, I was measurable breaths from my Human Physical Body ending. I wanted to share with SOURCE what I felt the time was here my Human physical body was not able to continue. I did not want to leave SOURCE I became uncertain if there would be danger to my Family, should I not continue with my Human Physical life. My HigherSELF Heart created an overwhelming emotion of LOVE for SOURCE and upon seconds my breathing became more regulated as my HigherSELF Heart ignited my Human Physical Body for me to continue my day.”
SOURCE utilized my life experiences, my home, accounts, technology, purchase’s, etc. to analyze business processes and material creations to identify errors created by mankind that are not in alignment with UNIVERSAL TRUTH or coherent with the Human Physical Body caused by the UNIVERSAL opposing force. SOURCE began to remove UNIVERSAL darkness opposing force contamination from our world. I am not able to describe the complexity of this work; days that became difficult for me became difficult for SOURCE. I would hope the end of the battle within THE UNIVERSE was near only to find this was not correct a new day would begin similar to the previous day before.
In 2014, guided by SOURCE, I continue to navigate a very controlled environment as I become aware of Human Beings who are prepared to assist with the shift in Human evolution to become in alignment with UNIVERSAL TRUTH and UNIVERSAL Balance and Harmony. As I navigate through this process, I become overwhelmed with UNIVERSAL LOVE and Compassion within my HigherSELF Heart upon learning of Human life experiences of many of these remarkable Human Beings. I have discerned from SOURCE that the definition of the purpose of the HigherSELF Mind is to create UNIVERSAL mental values of quality that have lasting worth aligned with UNIVERSAL TRUTH. These Human Beings are examples of this UNIVERSAL definition.
I have accomplished what I set out to seek and during my life experiences, I became a vibrational pattern of UNIVERSAL Love within my HigherSELF Heart and Mind. A Human Being is created to Love, to share and to serve our world and THE UNIVERSE.
LOVE (let our vibrations evolve),
J. Chambers
Choose the UNIVERSAL TRUTH meaning of LOVE and compassion to guide your IndividualSELF path.
During the years of 2010-2014, I was not allowed to communicate or seek assistance from others. My Human life journey has been lonely, physically challenging and very difficult enduring tremendous Human innate fear and uncertainty as I became aware of and experienced the many facets of the UNIVERSAL darkness opposing force control within THE UNIVERSE and our world. Knowing in my HigherSELF Heart and Mind that world life conditions were directly related to the progress SOURCE was making to eliminate UNIVERSAL darkness opposing force conditions within our world, the frustration I experienced turned to great sorrow with knowledge of the cause without the ability to share with Humanity. I attained a Heart and Mind Awareness state that my experiences were beyond the importance of Human existence as I navigated through ongoing challenging experiences. These life experiences continued to cause shifts within me as I discovered strength to sustain my Human Physical life. “By becoming and expressing UNIVERSAL Love and Compassion, your HigherSELF Heart Consciousness becomes strength beyond a known definition.” The danger to the Planet Earth and Humanity may only be explained and defined by SOURCE. With this knowledge, my desire is to provide an improved understanding for others to assist with reconciling world life conditions and events experienced prior to and during our lifetime.
I studied spirituality for many years and initially with innocence; I believed I was awakening; becoming my HigherSELF and that this was the purpose of Human life to make and become this awakened state. I enthusiastically gave of mySELF to assist SOURCE to cause an evolutionary advancement within our world believing the conditions within our world had been and continued to be caused by and from Human choice. Over time, this innocence turned into confusion, sadness and anger as I discerned this was not true. Within months, I found mySELF in a battle for my Human life and to prevent danger to my Family and Humanity, I began to navigate through an extremely complex UNIVERSAL darkness opposing force UNIVERSE and world environment of Human life experiences. I was forced to stop communicating and participating with my Family; I am a wife, mother and grandmother, how does a Human Being do this? How could my Family understand the reasoning for shutting them out of my Human life without a complete explanation? I was hopeful from past life experiences they would discern a knowing I would not make this choice without a complete logical and rational Mind. There was no other choice; my Human survival within the world became as a doer to discern impeccable sensing of SOURCE guidance.
With knowledge of the battle within THE UNIVERSE for control of our world, all that was familiar and the world of safety I created around me was removed. I began to experience a world of not knowing of life experiences occurring or would be occurring making discoveries bit-by-bit, day-by-day. There was no turning back and wishing these Human life experiences away. I could give up or continue to battle with everything I had become. May of 2012 arrived; I sensed I was no longer receiving guidance from SOURCE. I was forced to utilize inner senses within to perceive UNIVERSAL vibrational patterns around me for answers to navigate through UNIVERSAL darkness opposing forced conditions. I believe my Individual Consciousness Sphere Body was within a part of THE UNIVERSE that was not protected as before. Daily Mind and internal Physical Body attacks, and Human life restrictions caused by the UNIVERSAL opposing force became unbearable. This became the next stage of life experiences.
The development and conditioning of my Mind Consciousness and Emotional Body allowed me to maintain calmness and the understanding of my Human Physical Body allowed me to continue to live. I became a strength that I could not nor would I ever imagine I could become. "I could not imagine wanting to communicate with THE UNIVERSE Creator wanting to assist would be what my Human life had become.”
There would be moments when I sensed I could communicate with SOURCE “I would share a thought with SOURCE; I do not know how to give up how to stop striving for the discernment of TRUTH.” With each new day, I had to forget the day before. I could feel my Human Physical Body become weaker. I was in gratitude of my Physical cells ability to continue to repair and replace cells to function effectively.
“A morning arrived in May 2013, my Human Physical Body began to ache from deep within, my breathing became labored; I sensed a feeling from within, I was measurable breaths from my Human Physical Body ending. I wanted to share with SOURCE what I felt the time was here my Human physical body was not able to continue. I did not want to leave SOURCE I became uncertain if there would be danger to my Family, should I not continue with my Human Physical life. My HigherSELF Heart created an overwhelming emotion of LOVE for SOURCE and upon seconds my breathing became more regulated as my HigherSELF Heart ignited my Human Physical Body for me to continue my day.”
SOURCE utilized my life experiences, my home, accounts, technology, purchase’s, etc. to analyze business processes and material creations to identify errors created by mankind that are not in alignment with UNIVERSAL TRUTH or coherent with the Human Physical Body caused by the UNIVERSAL opposing force. SOURCE began to remove UNIVERSAL darkness opposing force contamination from our world. I am not able to describe the complexity of this work; days that became difficult for me became difficult for SOURCE. I would hope the end of the battle within THE UNIVERSE was near only to find this was not correct a new day would begin similar to the previous day before.
In 2014, guided by SOURCE, I continue to navigate a very controlled environment as I become aware of Human Beings who are prepared to assist with the shift in Human evolution to become in alignment with UNIVERSAL TRUTH and UNIVERSAL Balance and Harmony. As I navigate through this process, I become overwhelmed with UNIVERSAL LOVE and Compassion within my HigherSELF Heart upon learning of Human life experiences of many of these remarkable Human Beings. I have discerned from SOURCE that the definition of the purpose of the HigherSELF Mind is to create UNIVERSAL mental values of quality that have lasting worth aligned with UNIVERSAL TRUTH. These Human Beings are examples of this UNIVERSAL definition.
I have accomplished what I set out to seek and during my life experiences, I became a vibrational pattern of UNIVERSAL Love within my HigherSELF Heart and Mind. A Human Being is created to Love, to share and to serve our world and THE UNIVERSE.
LOVE (let our vibrations evolve),
J. Chambers
Choose the UNIVERSAL TRUTH meaning of LOVE and compassion to guide your IndividualSELF path.
@2016 Copyright
The Origin of Creation
In seeking creation truth, I found myself participating within the invisible world around me,
deep within the sea of the universe.
A human girl with a longing and overwhelming desire to find, that which created me.
Determined, I fought the darkness that stood between me, and that which I sought.
I reconciled within my heart my human body might not endure and found strength within to carry me to attainment.
I found what I sought.
I found answers to unanswered questions I carried within my heart.
I found the majestic love vibration within the sea of the universe; this ineffable love then surrounded me.
I found peace, contentment, balance and harmony.
I found that which created me.
I found the source, the origin of creation, the father of evolution
deep within the sea of the universe.
A human girl with a longing and overwhelming desire to find, that which created me.
Determined, I fought the darkness that stood between me, and that which I sought.
I reconciled within my heart my human body might not endure and found strength within to carry me to attainment.
I found what I sought.
I found answers to unanswered questions I carried within my heart.
I found the majestic love vibration within the sea of the universe; this ineffable love then surrounded me.
I found peace, contentment, balance and harmony.
I found that which created me.
I found the source, the origin of creation, the father of evolution