The Four Primary Laws of THE UNIVERSE
Law of CompassionBe Compassion in Action towards others and be in harmony with IndividualSELF, with SOURCE and with THE UNIVERSE. Love YourSELF, Love Others, Love the Earth and all of her creatures, is an action of Compassion.
Law of IntentWhat you think you create through Intent, Consent and Structure. Without intent, there is no consent and the default is given to the energetic frequency match held in the thought, behavior or action aligned to the Principle of Resonance which answers to the Law of Consent
Law of ConsentWhat you hold as your intention in your thoughts, is what you hold as your Consent towards that thought-form and the vibrational quality and force, as well as the energetic consequence of the thought-form substance created which impacts self and others.
Law of StructureThere are Universal Laws governing structure (architecture) which exist at both energetic levels (pre-matter) and physical levels (matter) for absolutely everything in existence.