THE UNIVERSE RULE OF VERIFICATION [The tenth great principle of natural law]
The Spiritual Crisis of Humanity
During spiritual initiation or Ascension Stages, there are spiritual crisis' which are associated with what ancients called the Dark Night of the Soul.
These phases of spiritual intelligence development are unavoidable, as the Ego Death must occur for resurrection of the spiritual body and mind. Many will be fooled by what is transpiring as if the darkness is advancing control over the world. That which was always hidden must surface to be revealed for purging and exit. |
All must enter the spiritual crisis, perhaps many times during the cyclical process of evolution during spiritual ascension, as the planet is undergoing a global level of the Dark Night of the Planetary Collective Soul during the Ascension Cycle. As humanity learns more about the natural cycles of Life, we know that in order to be recreated into something greater, the current form and foundation must be deconstructed. |
The concept and eventual experience of Resurrection illustrates this fact - for transformation is a byproduct of Creation's natural laws, the end of the ego is to be reborn. This is transpiring rapidly now for many human beings. All human beings must take responsibility for the quality of his or her thoughts, behaviors, actions, as all consciousness that is created has a direct cause and effect. At this stage of evolutionary development, ego denial of the facts and blaming everything on the outside is still used as a coping mechanism. This promotes more ego resistance and more energetic backlash to feed the uncomfortable circumstances, prolonging the issues of the spiritual crisis. We must surrender to our HigherSELF and accept the responsibility for all individual life experiences.
The ego mind creates the reality perception according to a human's beliefs, and because of differences in belief systems the world suffers from moral corruption, violence and strife.
Unity of Mind in humanity may only be accomplished when humanity understands that THE UNIVERSE operates by firmly established Creation Principles of Life and SPIRIT independent of human society belief systems. When the Human Mind begins to recognize Universal Creation Principles of Life; the Human Being begins to develop an internal essence of being compass moving in the direction of UNIVERSAL TRUTH and UNIVERSAL Laws and Principles of Creation.
All of Reality independent of humanity's belief systems depends upon the INFINITE SPIRIT, and UNIVERSAL LAWS and Principles of Life for the sustenance, maintenance and existence of all Life, and keeps THE UNIVERSE in absolute order in aspect of Creation and Manifestation. SPIRIT is the only "constant" that does not change along with the evolution of THE UNIVERSE. All of humanity lives and moves within the SPIRIT of THE INFINITE, the UNIVERSE CREATOR; an immutable and inescapable answer to the meaning of Life.
All of Reality independent of humanity's belief systems depends upon the INFINITE SPIRIT, and UNIVERSAL LAWS and Principles of Life for the sustenance, maintenance and existence of all Life, and keeps THE UNIVERSE in absolute order in aspect of Creation and Manifestation. SPIRIT is the only "constant" that does not change along with the evolution of THE UNIVERSE. All of humanity lives and moves within the SPIRIT of THE INFINITE, the UNIVERSE CREATOR; an immutable and inescapable answer to the meaning of Life.
There is a practical method of discovering the degree to which you have yielded control of your choices to the teaching and guidance of the indwelling HigherSELF Heart [SOUL]. The measurement is the degree of UNIVERSAL Love for your fellow men and women. A human being who follows the leading of the HigherSELF Heart shall eventually discern the will of SOURCE, and a human being who surrenders to the will of SOURCE shall remain forever. The Rule of Verification comes into play when building a strong spiritual foundation, when there are things in human life that need to be stabilized and made stronger. |
THE UNIVERSE. [n.d.] The 5D planet Earth exploded millions of years ago and as a result, was sucked into a reversal black hole which fragmented the entire fifth dimensional planetary blueprint into 12 planets in Earth's current third dimensional Solar System. This includes the 3D version of Earth Humanity inhabits in this Time Vector of THE UNIVERSE. Humanity exists in a lower dimension of opposing force Matrix created by the reversal black hole, which are the 3D earth timelines. These 12 planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Maldek, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Nibiru and then the Sun star and moon. Current science recognizes only eight planets of the twelve in Earth's Solar System, along with dwarf planets.
This collision was catastrophic and severed the consciousness units which were strewn into pieces as an asteroid belt. This asteroid belt changed the orbits of the inner planets and outer planets of our Solar System. The severed planets were absorbed into an opposing force shadow matrix and the physical remains plummeted into a descending orbit into the 3D density where Earth now exists. |