![]() Solar Ascension UNIVERSE Category: Ascension Date: March 1, 2020 For the last several years, Humanity continues to experience intense Solar Initiation of radiating light, which is progressing spiritual evolution or digression based on an individual's chosen journey upon Earth. We are also influenced by planetary changes to motivate humanity to find creative solutions, to rise above destructive scenarios and emotional discord. The frequency configuring around the planets are stimulating the creation of new technologies and innovations from organizations that simply no longer work. These are the events in a series which precedes the breakdown of the systems of control of promoting purely materialistic values. Solar ascension causes a breakdown of individual ego structures in order for group humanitarian positive change to occur in the future. For many, this may be experienced as a mental, physical, nervous or emotional breakdown for humans forced to change human lifestyle now. The required change is at the individual ego level, as this is the overall negative vibration health of the collective consciousness of humanity. We are leaving selfish ego behaviors and moving into the awareness of the larger group of planetary consciousness. This spiritual evolution timeline will mark the end the of the rule of dark opposing force archetype and continual abuse of power, and the speed of the change is dependent upon Humanity's collective action and choices as a civilization. The UNIVERSAL Creator is illuminating the Spiritual Sun behind the Sun, returning sagacity merged with UNIVERSAL Truth. However, the successful end of the rule of the dark opposing force must be internally and spiritually chosen by the individual and humanity. For many on Earth, this dark archetype has become a service to self-polarity that may be hard to break free. The ending of dark control requires the spiritual responsibility to end all service to self-related patterns. Humanity must find the courage to imagine a new unity consciousness possibility. Learn more about Ascension here Comments are closed.