Experience and Knowledge for an Evolving Humanity
Creation Principles of Life | THE UNIVERSE rules and laws of nature, creation and manifestation
Vertical Divider
Each Soul is an IndividualSELF consciousness unit that originated from the Eternal Creator SOURCE, or Infinite Consciousness. Every IndividualSELF has a unique blueprint that has divine purpose, which is to learn, evolve and experience all aspects of creation and eventually return back home and reunite with the Eternal Creator SOURCE.
Spiritual Principles to Recall
Resources - click on the description title |
Essence of Being Spiritual Services
Annual contribution to UCPOL Consulting Services
UCPOL | Spiritual Evolution Introduction
12 Month Individual Expanding Consciousness Service Program
UCPOL 12 Month Expanding Consciousness Service Program [ Customized for you, and your spiritual evolution journey]
Goes beyond mental linear thinking knowledge and into the realm of direct cognition and spiritual sensory experiences via the splitting of light and dark consciousness by the way of amalgamation into a single vibrational health state frequency to commune with the human overSOUL [HigherSELF Heart].
Ascension is the training and mastery of the human mind and consciousness.